Thursday, January 8, 2009

Repression Leads to Depression: An Understanding Of How Emotions Effect the Individual

How is it that feelings felt, especially negative feelings, initially felt years ago, are still felt with lingering sadness and incomplete resolve? What makes the human individual hang onto this array of negative feelings, while letting the good and/or happy feelings float away like a helium-filled balloon?
Is being negative an acquired condition for being human? Did the human learn by self or society repression methods? Repression methods which do not work for the betterment of self? Repression which slowly erodes the individual to instinctual reaction totally irrational and harmful to self and others? How and why does repression have such a devasting effect on the individuals of all persuasions in society? These topics will be discussed and proposed remedies presented for repressions hold on the individual. Repression will be removed and replaced with a pro-active method for the individual dealing with negative emotion as it happens. This will allow the individual more control over events and replace negative with a positive learning from the negative experience. These prescriptive methodologies will be studied for their efficacy.
Is having more negative events happen to an individual than positive events a "self-fufilling prophesy" or is it "bad luck" or both? Repression is the state whereby the human being thwarts or voids (flight or fight) negative emotions, thoughts, feelings and/or events. Repressed emotion from negative events has got to be the single most reason why there are so many psychotic events recorded in the news today. Let's face it, honestly, there seems to be a lot more negative in the news of late, and whether or not the news is negative, it is our handling or coping with the negative "news" of our lives which will make or break the individual.
How do successful people cope with devasting negative "news". Let's study their methods? Do they ignore or deal with (and how do they deal with) the negative emotions in their lives.And conversely, what makes someone turn the tide and make the negative attack inwardly, causing a host of mental and physical ailments?
Today, there are many testing methods which can be employed in understanding how the individual perceives and reacts to danger and/or negative situations.
We know from our study of BF Skinner than animals use a "fight of flight" reaction to danger (hence negative)events. This is a autonomic instinctual reaction to danger, and is at the core of the animal's limbic (brain stem) ?reptilian core. Instincts are present in humans, although these instincts are not, to date, fully understood. Years of evolution have produced this automatic feature of the human brain, it has been trained into the human for countless millenia, but as yet, not fully understood.
To further our understanding of repressed negative emotions and their effect, one must test subjects and gauge reactions and chart on bell curves a host of emotionally charged stimuli. Whether the testing is being performed in the lab or in situ, it is best to describe, as fully as possible, and without bias, the nature of repressed negative emotions on the individual, and the society in general.
It is through this understanding of emotionally-charged negative events which will help indiduals regain their ability to properly manage stimuli, and thereby the individual's ability to function in the world is greatly improved with less need for anti-depressants and other synthetic parameters which have, by all accounts, not successful to date.
Once the individual is gauged for emotional reaction variables, a series of desensitization techniques will be employed for the individual to recognize and respond to the incoming (or already present) stimuli. This gives the individual more of a "hands on" approach to managing their own healing process, as I believe, that negative emotions are similar to being physical harmed, and need to be much more proactive is necessary in managing this elusive disease of repression enslaught leading to full-blown depression cases.
First, let's understand the self, the individual, the constructs making up the concept of the particular individual. Which key events (emotionally charge or not) led to the individual using repression methods to deal with negatively charged emotional events? When and how these events occurred is important because a gestalt or pattern has been imprinted on the individual and like instincts, very difficult to over-ride or reprogram. Part II to follow

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