Dear Susan: You're absolutely correct! Time limited my editing, and
I hate editing my own work. Thought "ya'll here" would be so kind.
Today I have "new eyes in New York" and will be slicing and goes...Thanks for the recommendation! jannneee--- In, Susan J Elliott
Publishing Today: Contraversy versus Censorship
Depending on the truth, the much heated contraversy in
publication today is the weighing of printing contraversial
material over the right of the artist/writer to express
him/herself. Is it the editor's right to censor writers'
artistic expression, and thereby their valued opinions?
This contraversial debate is raging in politics,
literature, the arts, basically any written publication, or
artistic endeavour. Is anyone asking why is this censorship
an issue? Do we need to be concerned about censorship
Many journalistic submissions to various publishers are becoming,
more and more frequently, censored by editors
prior to publication. Some writers contend that the obtruse
editing is bordering on censorship and this censorship has ruined
their ability to freely express their opinions and artistic style,
etc. This arrest of artists and journalists creative license and
basic freedoms to free speech, free expression, freedom of the press,
is greatly compromising the journalists' and artists, etc.,
integrity, livelihood, and basic human rights.
Under the UN charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Constitution,
and many other democratic nations' constitutions, journalism,
writing, the arts, etc., is allowed these freedoms as a necessary
requirement and obligation of a free state. If these freedoms are
bring dismantled or destroyed how are we to defend these
freedoms, and in the war on terror climate of today, is it safe to
defend these rights? Is there a way to regain the freedoms lost by an
overprotective nature of the War On Terror? Can we keep the freedoms
and loose the paranoia associated with the terror atmosphere found in
journalism/writing/arts today?
Editing is coming precariously close to outright
censorship in the form found in many a fascist government which does
not honour the absolutes in regards to freedoms of a
democractic people. Does anyone care? Is anyone doing
anything about it, or even noticing the trend in
journalism, etc., today? If nothing is done, it should be recorded,
if nothing else. Could Stephen Speilberg record this lack of
journalistic freedom, etc, by way of a movie like Shoah? We would all
benefit from shedding the light on any possible infringement to our
rights as writers and artists. It would benefit everyone to determine
where this obstruction of justice is coming and would get us
back on the path to the truth. We would then, hopefully begin to
realize the importance of these and other freedoms and know the
essential truths necessary for our survival as democratic nations of
the world.
This grave oversight of any possible infarction of human rights
issues should be a worrisome sign of impending doom. After all, we
are suppose to live for freedom, and what if we cannot express this
freedom? We are no longer free. The nations' democratic tenet is
eliminated from the equation, and therefore we cease to exist as a
sovereign nation, at least on paper anyway. How would this lack of
freedom of the press effect the country in general, or the world
specifically? The prognosis does not look good.
As far as any potentially breach of our rights as journalists,
writers, artists, etc., this action of censorship is a prelude to our
times as an under-represented public. Any democratic nation has the
right to various freedoms, they do not need to be suspended
indefinitely as they are being suspended today.
If we are no longer able to read The Times,(for example) but
rather, we are only able to read a washed-out, propagandized, cookie-
cutter version of The Times we will be the loser in this power-
struggle of "button, button, who gets the paper"? The citizens of
democracy will be the ones to suffer, ultimately for
this "stormtrooper" mentality of editing-in-excess journalism.
Freedom lovers beware, you have nothing to loose but your words.
Does this lack of freedom worry the naive, uneducated and
unassuming reader who has no idea what is happening in the world or
the way events are unfolding and how? Ultimately, this lack of
information will negatively effect the reader, it will keep
them "dumbed down" indefinitely, with no set time frame. Is this fair
or just?
Has the time already arrived in haste to make waste of
our once "oh so sweet" freedoms? Freedoms where many of our
countries' young died in numerous wars in the name of said
Freedom? Our young are still dying today. For how long?
How would these soldiers feel today if they were alive, and
those soldiers that are alive today, fighting in the field, how do
they feel about the truth being censored?
There is serious doubt that the overt protectionism is
necessary to this degree, and that we should be given back more of
our freedoms lost pre 911. The question here; are we being
protected or deceived? And for what purpose? The never-
ending war on terror may destroy all rights and freedoms
under the banner of "protectionism". We seriously need to
rethink and rewrite our future, if we are "allowed" to
rewrite the future.
If there will be no freedom now or in the immediate future,
what is the time frame in regards to regaining our much
loved freedoms? Perhaps freedoms can be suspended "for a
time" but eventually things should get back to "normal",
correct? If our freedoms are being put on a "holding
pattern" how much longer will it be until we get to express
ourselves and our world? How are we going to be able to
express and write about our world when it is being filtered
to an enormous degree.
Without the truth we are spinning our wheels, we are frustrating
our best efforts, we are eliminating the one thing which made us
great in the first place, Freedom!
War On Terror could be described in history by the hold it has
on journalistic intergrity and artistic license as "Freedom with an
expiry date". Should not the rallying cry read, "give me Liberty or
give me Death" rather than "Freedom: expiry date 9/11"? Has mankind
changed so radically from the inspirational freedom-loving French
philosophy entrenched in the Constitutions of the democratic
world to edit the word "freedom" and its usage
entirely from our press?
Maybe the only place to find the word freedom and the
description of freedom in the press today will be on the
editor's cutting room floor. How did this happen? How did
we let this happen to us?
This silent invasion of the journalists' expression of the
written word found in the press and other publications is indeed
slowly eroding all of our rights as citizens of a free and
democratic nation? Are we going to sit back idly and except
this treatment by those entrusted to present "the facts"?
How would we know the facts if we cannot examine the facts
and weigh them for ourselves? If the facts are occult or
hidden, what does this say about what we have become during
this tragic scenario, War On Terror?
Journalists, writers, artists, etc., need to challenge
and change the status quo of the new censorship in
publication today. The truth, rather than being
unpalatable must become something to savour, and to
cherish. We need the truth today, more than ever,
the truth of journalistic integrity and reporting.
The essence of our being as a nation is freedom, without freedom we
are lost as a people and a nation.
Jane Jones Canada
Sat Aug 16, 2008 6:56 pm
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