Wednesday, July 21, 2010

~~~~Poem A Day Emily Dickinson~~~ "A sepal, petal, and a thorn - " 19/1775

Caper thorny plant

Rose Thorny plant "Rosa gallica Evêque, painted by Redouté"

A sepal, petal, and a thorn
Upon a common summer's morn —
A flask of Dew — A Bee or two —
A Breeze — a caper in the trees —
And I'm a Rose!

Emily Dickinson

Refreshingly short poem today! (thank goodness I hear you mumble through the airwaves). Not to worry! I love the innocence in Emily's poetry. Seemingly naive in nature but oh so rich in spirit; this woman knows how to appreciate the small things in life that makes life so rich!

The rose's thorn is also significant as Christ wore a crown of thorns during Crucifixtion station of the cross. So Emily is seeing this in her Rose, rather than merely seeing the rose as an object; more the rose is a conveyance of the rich spirit world which Emily embibes daily.

A caper, interestingly enough is a thorny bush. So there is this pleasant atmosphere, "the breeze" "the petal" and then there is this harsh world "caper bush", stinging bee (maybe) or buzzing anyway, (actually not sure of the intate nature of Emily's bee as per Emily's personal lexicon" however, it may be that the bee is a symbol of royalty and Emily feels this royalty of the Christ in herself and in nature all the time. Many of her poems have these symbols recurring.

The triade "sepal, petal and a thorn" and then "a flask of Dew (why capitalized? another intrinsic, personal lexicon symbol as per Emily's language), A Breeze (light sounding) and "a caper in the trees". Did Emily hurt herself upon the caper bush (brambles?). This so suddenly made her become the pain of Jesus' passions? This may be...A

Here in "A sepal, petal and a thorn" Emily is conveying here observant nature of Nature. Summer being the theme here, synchronistically enough, and it is a "common summer's morn" if there is such a thing as "common" perhaps Emily meant a regular morning, seeing as each summer day tends to blur, the same birds singing the same droning cicadas, the same dulling heat. I tend to glorify in this, as it is so beautiful with the warm breezes and warm summer rain.

Nonetheless Emily is looking upon a flower; a rose. Rose has a myriad of possible symbolism, in particular Rosecrucian or Christ figure. Suddenly, Emily has a transformational or "transcendental" moment and transforms spiritually in this rose. She becomes what she sees and experiences; there is no differentiation between animal, plant and human. Emily is the embodiment of Christ is what I believe this poem may be saying which does play out time and time again in her poems. I sense that Emily sees herself as a "Christ figure", as to why, I am not sure; perhaps her keen spiritual nature, or religious upbringing.

"A flask of dew" could represent the Holy Grail or cup of blood reference, seeing as the rose is red, as blood is red, as the shed blood is red. And all this happens in the common place time of Emily's world. Simply Amazing!

Chiccoreal channelling a poem or two in the vien of Ms Emily's once Lived Life Now for sake of posterity and always. An aside; Interesting that both plants have thorns on them; one beautiful to look at; and one for eating. Emily could have been collecting these and did prick herself and did remember immediately he connection to "the rose" at this time. I wonder...

Pain Begets The Dew

As given
so owed or bodies
ransom handsomely
paid in full
in memory of
the to become
to become the rose
that grows
by our sandalled feet
pedals sepal and thorn
each parts each one
created for us
in the memory of
the One who came before
the pain he bore
for us
our transgressions
to transform
to light being
all this matter
to become once more
the rose
of Sharon
than ever
this gaves us
a caper
as the Host
Manna From Heaven
given freely in this way
kept supplanted in our souls
replanted in the garden
food for the spirit
always awakens
the sleeping human souls
so as this
fruit of the thorny vine
Heaven and Earth meet
This Rose
This Day
This Life is Ours
To Share
so we may
a purposeful
in the Spirit of


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