Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Surprise! Sir Prize my Purple Prince

Dear Bruce: This surprise is surprisingly shocking and it is.. profoundly gamey..instinctually habitual and insistently reactionary resoundingly rebounding with much regulatory derailment on this glory train this gravy re train this trained brain in perpetuity re entrained estrangement; fine entertainment for glimpses of shortened synapses. As from the brain to the heart of the matter the latter tattered, scattered to the wind, the surprise awaits the surpirsee moreso than the surprisor proviso.
Who is to say which watch is where there the orginal were you two playing up the ante, the next card being 3 on a matchstick or toothbrush; too many; three's a crowd invariably too many variables to hope for predicted outcomes to come out of the places and spaces whereby hidden?. And once upon a time, that time-honoured regulator clock of sameness stopped. Shame the heart-game gave way; yet sham rocks ruled in this universe of semi-detached synapse gaps. Real World disOrdered? Now that's a immediate shock before time could find order in chaos?! Order by Whom? D'or d'or? (door door?)...One must see(wonders now how pro-found and pro-fund(found became a fund? When? When did "found" money bacame a money fund? And surprises then became a shame sham shammy (sham wow?) game gave an ounce once the shock of the new surprised the heart into a false blue sense of subliminal humours and honourous tumours of stress reduction kind. Healing sublimatedingly submitted to the substitute standards of electrical static to impetus the system into submission knowing how opposites attract beef or fat, betwixt the both of them they licked the platter clean due to the fat meats ratio a ration needs ying/yang balance in one act...so exactingly and exactly what thought was wanted when needs be...
... who eats roast beef subway subs with lotsamozza now...how very meme...the memories...thanks to them for them that there (thou that art)...come on out: the goin's great; electric zeal from nerves renewed by reboot hoots and toots. Surprises are fun when I see them coming, not the kind from my occuled blind side...where I have to wear shades at night to see the lightbright explosions of sheer delight...Happy New Year- SURPRISE...(you are Sir Prize)...enough shock for a jocular jock...got me going....with that Kebangshebob:)jj
Did I do that or you? Did you? What for? For not forget me nots?Is Is a surprise a good form of shock? Hopefully the ying will be positive this time around and the yang will just go bang!Remembering I like surprises just not shocks!
know how from who knows now...better than idk?:)

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