Thursday, October 28, 2010

~~~Magpie 38~~~ Soul Walkers by EA Wilson~~~

The Soul Walkers by EA Wilson channelled by Jane Jones

Gone but not forgotten
E A Wilson
trying to piece together
the potsherd fragment
what was left behind
November 29, 1858
This broken soul marker
speaks not of self
but of the Soul Maker
as you Soul Walkers
EA Wilson
who could?
not you!
could ever hold back
how your blood once flowed
pure and innocent
through places unknown
we do know this
you lived!
and shall live again!
but for tonight
in this sleepy keeping room
we've kept these fragmented
those dog-earred photos
you knew these
who were you
these unknown
energies alive

as to most
you're just a faded memory
not to us magpie believers
unless the prophesy
or your progeny and friends
would say
knew more than they could say
your immortalized bones
now just a name
EA Wilson
now just a time
Nov 29, 1885
not much to tell but
you know more
its time
we dig
we shall dig
we will dig deeper
scrying faded newspapers
in the local lake
going over the records
for the records on microfiche
at the local all-night library?

cut out pieces
out of place in a time
E A Wilson
you come back
all came together
for this time
sliver of night
through the new
silver moon
to make you anew
whole in spirit form'd
from earthen vessel'd souls
before fade like a final curtain call
you were once
save for this night
almost completely lost to us

the Soul Walkers
need to speak
of that swift-flighted bird
landed alight to return
quiet now
quote the quail nevermore
save for this night
listen to the rustle of children feet
playing beneath the cemetery's trees
who are you
EA Wilson?
listen to us
speak to us
tell us what happened then
as for now we wait
in this place of your tomb
swaying and swinging
as willow's mentronome-like movement
Beethoven's 5th Symphony
save for the tumult and timbre of time
saved for posterity
these old bones
wanting to tell all
EA Wilson
you who by now
can see far past eternity
so so sad to say
we miss you today
please tell us
about infinity
we need to ask you this
back from the grave
to stay here
but briefly
we need to know
you need to tell us
your story
before all fades away
and long ago goes home
go home
EA Wilson
to the Soul Maker
you the Soul Walker
EA Wilson
we welcome you
The Soul Maker soon
to welcome you
with open arms
with Compassionate Love

Our brains have been given over
like a trance-filled shaman
this physical alchemy
our brain; our omigdula
fearfulness of fear no more
we'll stay
put on the backburner the shiver
with memory's emulsive burn;
the constant erosion of time
evolved this time
our surety

As you are now left
huddled under the altar
crying for Revelation
I am not dead!
the late wait to unravel
split your grave in two
the grave would not hold
could not hold
your innate fierceness
to hold onto life
queued to quickening
your Soul's Independence
the Country's storehouse
a warehouse full
of souls
to claim

the Spirit
who broke the mold
evoke the long dead
that which tried to hold you in...
now released
for this moment only
this Samhain's opening
awaken once more
animated to speak tales
of old
to us in this present

from all that is covered
shall hover for a time
this long gone buried past
reborn this night
from your earthen shroud
the cold cold grave?
what pray tell
E A Wilson
to speak with us
this Samhain
this Hallow'd eve night?
"Wait! Hence! To be revealed..."
says EA Wilson


~~~~Poem A Day Emily Dickinson~~~"If she had been the Mistletoe" 44/1775

If she had been the Mistletoe ~ by Emily Dickinson

If she had been the Mistletoe
And I had been the Rose —
How gay upon your table
My velvet life to close —
Since I am of the Druid,
And she is of the dew —
I'll deck Tradition's buttonhole —
And send the Rose to you.

Dear Friends of Emily: This is a sweet poem! Emily is completely in the anthropomorphic mood today!

Miss Emily is comparing herself to a rose. I believe there have been many romantic poems who did like comparisons of roses and other natural devices of the literary kind, in particular; "shall I compare thee to a summer day" by William Shakespeare.

Miss Emily Dickinson, as a student of the classics would be well aware of this imaginary device and the power it can evoke in the imagination.

Miss Emily is referring herself to a "rose" and her significant "other she" as "Mistletoe" (note the capitalization of proper pronoun referencing an actual person; also known as personification. Now whom exactly is Miss Emily's "Mistletoe"?
Let me be persistent here, I believe this person is Sue Gilbert or Emily's sister, probably Sue Gilbert as other references to Sue Gilbert, Emily's best friend (BFF) have been made before this time.

Emily is suggesting, in this poem, that if Sue Gilbert were "the Mistletoe" and Emily is the Rose;

"I had been the Rose"

This poem perhaps references a story of the "Mistletoe and the Rose" of which I am not familiar; perhaps someone can tell me if they know of any such story. I am feeling it is a King Arthurian tale! Wait a minute! I'll ask my friends on King Arthurian legends to see if there is a tale similar to "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" for this apocryphial reference! Maybe it is a glaring references which I have never had the pleasure to reference! Undoubtedly!

"Since I am of the Druid"

This is quite a bold statement to make, and considering the Victorian times with which Miss Emily survived periodically, this poem, if it had been released to general readership during "those days" would have been thought much more than presumptious!

Emily has studied the Druid background so she must understand the "witches" of such tales were often "burned at the stake" in early colonial days. Could this be a reason why Emily did not release her works so readily? Not quite ready for parlour usage? Only after her death were these "personal" diary-like poems released! So the plot thickens!

Emily is, beyond doubt, an inquisitve individual would probably, more than likely did not want another Spanish inquistion! Who would? Especially if Emily is beginning to delve into Metaphysica, and other esoteric belief systems such as the esoteric Transcendentalists.

"How gay upon your table
My velvet life to close —"

Self-sacrificial the above statement; definitely romantic of the Romeo and Juliet type sacrifice on the altar of love.

"and she is of the dew"

One cannot get much more sexual than the above statement. Emily is claiming her Mistletoe (a person) is "of the dew". The dew represents renewed spirit and also carnal desires. Since she knows that "Mistletoe" is "of the dew" giving reference and mood to the poem, creating great mystery and intrigue for those "days of yore" found in Druid mysticism. Dew has significant metaphysical properties and used, perhaps in Druid practice of spiritual alchemy.

"I'll deck Tradition's buttonhole —
And send the Rose to you."

These two ending lines of the last stanza are curious and curiouser! So Emily will wear or "deck" or "don" the Mistletoe and send "the Rose" to you. Here Emily is allowing the reader to partake in the ritual of the "Mistletoe and the Rose" as a third party. Emily, by giving herself to us, in the form of "the Rose" is creating a forth wall and extra dimension to her work. After-all we all know what mistletoe references around Christmas time, if one stands under the Mistletoe the person is automatically kissed! Was Emily hoping for this; to be kissed? Who wouldn't? Miss Emily is earthy and sensual here! By "deck" ing "Tradition's buttonhole" (notice the capital "T" in Tradition? Another elusion to personification of Tradition? To me, this sounds very sensual and coy! Miss Emily is "bucking" or "deck"ing "Tradition", that omni-potent "this is the way it is" type of powerful customary contemporary ritual. Is Emily comparing Druid ritual with Victorian ritual? Maybe and perhaps?

I'll keep the rose in my buttonhole and remember the life that inspired it Emily ~ so romantic Emily! And full of daring-do!

Chiccoreal's Contemplative Analytic Poem on "If she had been the Mistletoe"

"If She had been the Rose and the Mistletoe"

Emily's imagination works overtime
it is the time of "don our gay attire"
and all is a swirl of romantic imagery
full of personified plant life
full of perceptions opening up
and becoming something more than "Tradition"
or Traditional
Emily as the rose
in my buttonhole
of my cloche
will remind all of the beauty
of such a quickening life
so soon
"My velvet life to close"

Wear it Well; Wear it close
this Rose of Life
The Mistletoe will always be
Embellished my dear sweet Emily
with each fragrant passing sniff!


Friday, October 22, 2010

~~~POEM-A-DAY~~~Emily Dickinson "Could live - did live -"

Could live - did live -

Could live — did live —
Could die — did die —
Could smile upon the whole
Through faith in one he met not,
To introduce his soul.

Could go from scene familiar
To an untraversed spot —
Could contemplate the journey
With unpuzzled heart —

Such trust had one among us,
Among us not today —
We who saw the launching
Never sailed the Bay!

by Emily Dickinson

Hello again dear friends of Miss Emily Dickinson! It has been awhile, I apologize for lack of lustre for being less than a shining and stellar example of adhesiveness to the Poem-A-Day functionary, however, excuses...excuses!

Excuses begone! Now we are in for a treat this week! I am finding this new poem (well new in a relative sense, new to me!) called "Could live - did live" similar in some ways to a poem I just wrote for Magpie#37 called "Double or Nothing", and this is just not a flagrant attempt at self-promotion either! (although it probably is...). Yes, Miss Emily and me seem to be caught in the same paradoxical literary technique aka "bug" called "life".

What I must wonder about, besides the paradoxical quandry of up/down, left/right, yes/no, you know, that whole yin-yang chestnut is the fact that Ms Emily is alluding to the Christ/Father/Husband/Finance/Boyfriend/aka Saviour of some sort in this work. Definitely I would immediately think this is all about a saving father figure, like Christ.

Through faith in one he met not,
To introduce his soul.

The reference to "faith" is paramount in this poem being quixotically compared and contrasted to Christ. Also referencing "his" and "he" places the oness on Christ.

Emily is, in her own unique manner of expression, and in a round-about way stating that Christ

"Could live - did live"


"Could die - did die"

"Could smile upon the whole"

Emily, I believe, is contemplating the idea that Christ lived and lives now within the Christian, yet she is questioning although he is alive now and "could go" and "could contemplate" the "familiar" or the "untraversed spot" and now (after Christ's death and resurrection) "Could contemplate the journey" his new life as the resurrected saviour "with unpuzzled heart" meaning that Christ no longer questions God the Father as to "Why have you abandoned me" since Christ and the world are now saved. However, Emily questions maybe why she still does not feel 100% saved even though Christ does feel his salvation. Maybe Emily is waiting in lieu for the end of the world to catch up with the redemption and ransom?

Such trust had one among us,
Among us not today —

Emily feels the "trust" of Christ in salvation for all is "among us not today". In other words, no one has true faith of salvation accept for the risen Christ.

We who saw the launching
Never sailed the Bay!

Emily's reference to the Amherst MA bay, or "far shore" again! So "we who saw the launching" is references all of us who know the Bible facts of Christ death and resurrection" but have as yet "never sailed the Bay" reference of Emily's idiom to death and rebirth in Christ only to happen after death and judgement.

A very Christian-themed poem today! Hope you enjoyed it!

Chiccoreal's Expostulates on "Could live - did live"

Would live - would live

Would die - would die

one day anyway
maybe not
sooner than later
the lated always
open up the floodgates!
let the love flow through
get us all wet with dew
now is the time!
to fill up the potsherds
no use to wait til then
now is the time!
let it all in
why wait in lieu?
to taste that taste
bitter flavour
no favour giv'n
the taint of death
the original sin
singeing not singing
on putrified lips
Shout it out loud
Have faith in one's
Jean Val Jean
release the hounds!
Christ can be here today
held close to heart
Not away ~ leagues across the Bay!
and clear to Midland on a good day
Unless you want to visit
sooner than later?
I think not!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

~~~Magpie 37~~~Double or Nothing

double or nothing

eyes seye

dart trad

back kcab

forth htrof

to ot

you uoy

from morf

me em

who ohw

are era

you? ?uoy

I? ?I


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

~~~Magpie#35~~~Still Photography

Still Photography

Breezes caught in the stagnant air
silver nitrate imprinted thought
tracers light night paths
lacross players send hoops past the vitriolic sky
extinguished the universal expanse in one fell swoop
while whelps barked uncermoniously at the moon
distant echoes muffled cries choked by chichi
seduction whispered could not recall
lady in a green dress silken satin fall away
ran over by a bus
stood waiting
died waiting
passed away
no auditions, no callbacks today
not even one

As the Foregone conclusion
Requiem mass for the huddled masses
on the 33rd yard line
drunk on dreams they were too Far gone
into their grail cups they used to fry
quail eggs
meatless birds and empty promises begone!

Slammed the door on the way O-U-T!
THAT'S all you GOT?
shut IT out LOUD
bottom of the ninth
ully opened up
the tiny butterfly
squashed inbetween LAYERS
OF YESTERDAY'S NEWS doggone dog-earred pages
with no turnover the economy tanked
Doldrums flash frozen accounts
wall street held up by the clever
on account of the heavy water
like concrete for heavy leaded feet
more trick than treat

Unmoveable feast; moved by the beast of burden
that use to swing now swung idle
Eric Idle on drugs
curtain swags that once had swagger, once dapper
no drapes that drooped and dropped like flies
those crusty clowns; simpletons

as suddenly as
life turnaround
as suddenly
she so
she dropped dead
dead ringer

larger than life
this once moved now removed
no nerve so fated to unnervate
sinews disconnected from the skin
now unabated
now unabridged
now unabashedly bashful
shy guy out of control
stop disfiguring the misinformation
no stopping the stop sign
says "Arret already!"
high five
sigh is all lovers could ever do
besides a little adobe hacienda

bones too brittle to bite the dust
the sting of distant memory sand storms
on naked mucuous membranes sensitive
always too sensitive
to be any good
for unkempt keepers kept diaries in keeping rooms
peter's pickled too
the many sling and arrows
the flesh is ere to
dangling like Shakespeare participle
too many diseases that rack up a price
at the tollhouse cookie house
lined up like catecombe bones
lined up in a row
damn cappuchin monkeys!

the strings had begin to unravel
the telemerase shoelaces were trippy
acid burned the akaloid hallowed holes
from the film strip
helium took hydrogen
away into the troposphere
lazurian battle ensued
opposites once attracted
united deep space nothingness
gradiose holes
yin and yang collapsed
spun-out of control
all energy comprised in the middle
of nowhere
under the sheer weight of
she's come undone
the beginnings just begun
the end is never in sight

no subjects found to collect the goods
or reject the capstone
leaving lintels covered in blood
blood red finally got the earthen
energy burnished in my brain
no conjunction
no common meeting ground
continually leaning post teetering
the other ball dropped
fell on my foot
standing up against the wall
caught in the headlights
deer crossing X
waiting for the stun to stop
waiting for the sun to stop stinging
a hole in my already holey retinas
whole and part
living and partially living
how can that not be?
light burns in images leaves
edges all smudgy
we've still got the right
to party
on this last stop
milky way dangling armature
unusuable her suitor
we dont even know if our arm
in the galaxy is right or left
or has a name
the Universal Suitor
did suit her after all
ask for her hand and got known
as the guy around town
as squid shaped galaxy
how many arms is that?
well the big bang didnt care
that we'd be monsters
neither that nor be here nor there
spiritual beings lived lives of mass extinction
use to call us Beatitudes
Tonal quality excellent
Key of G with a slathering of grunts
from channellers intent on healing
instead of Blue Pleidians
Light BEings of Reknown
we're entralled with living
our temporaneous place
removed all files
from Sour faces
Our Source of renewable resources

Obviously it did not suit her!

As in the Beginning
The Alpha
Hooked up with
The Omega
Knowing each forces' struggle
the epic battle ensued
the life and death struggle
framed so beautifully
as once a relay race offset from the discouse
a lecture in posterior analytics
a residual effect of cause
always the protaganist
delayed overdevelopment thrust thus
into the limelight's eerie gauze
the fog caught thick pea soup
on a backwards cusp
moonlight's glowed on my satin sheets
now on flannel moon snuggled
full tilt version
not for the lilty ones
highty flighty
it would figure
talented trekkers
supplanted us
6 feet deep
the weak
the day
the sick
the week
the quick
the month
the dead
the year end
standing room only

empty womb spake mostly the unspoken words
in tongues fast-fried from heated skillets
sizzle and fizzle left-over puzzled looked
these words that sting and bind

vacant symbols the untrained brain long dead
broke ground reawakened
no longer merely a mortal the
abused master of ceremonies
unceremoniously dumped his grounds for
uncertain times
hoping to fertilize the field of dreams
hammer it home so often we said
we will survive
the homefires glow with marshmallows
not sure clouds are marshmallows
or cloud mushrooms

finding the flint in uncertain ceremony
striking the night's radiate air
scratching post
foundlings found once lost
lil kitty; hello Kitty!
returned to dust once sparks
temporarily out of order
the order of every day
close the door!

wasn't wally world
closed for the season
cut down in its prime
of things that were left
on the slide a downward ride
ever slide up?

devoured like prime beef
in a hall full of jocks
a ballroom dance for worshippers
not to hold sway
too close
better stay away
the Queen shouldn't please
dont get any closer and
sin comes from your gyrating hips
and wet lips
that only some could do that
the grind is too much like ground beef now!

dessicated chopped liver
exacted a pound of flesh
pound per pound of fresh fish
Sole on Ice
souls cry out
Remain in me
for the long lost meat
that hung like rancid butter
in the pantry a long time
now dreams ago
past expiration now rotten stinky
smelling like perspiration
all flesh corrupts
sometime got to know when
as too
all life collapse upon itself
a heap of putrifaction
no action then
except decomposition
once alive no just rotting away
again in Margaritavilla
why cant we just live and on
retire to our destiny
happy knowing how we hope
for the unseen there's faith
our convictions
convicted of what?
to love life?
to be happy
don't worry
it'll all come out in the warsh

removed from the banks
the sludge called
the anthema
this tome close
I am Mommy
yes, my tomb
this tome a closed casket
misquoted no more
placed in the grave
a graven image
beside myself my ego
formless now
as spirit long gone
fled the endless song
this banished banquet
from whom and to whence it came
banner unfurled thus
yet nearly a year banned as a best seller
paperback and
written on napkins
far out context
by its mere existence
a statue

as unfair policy holders
kept card dividers
keepers of circles
kept circling error
kept finding ways
to divide nothing from nothing
the dividend always adds up to two or
zero returns of the day

unfair trade policy makers
swaps spit with tree bark
oaks impart energies
old man can
grin and bear it
Grimm's Fairy Tales knew
the dim outlook
the grim reaper raked it in
should be smiling by now
that smile permanently afixed
wouldst it not be a permanent fixture?
a major production or a double feature?

Ay, these many strange stages of life
every actor plays his part to make
life stranger than fiction
contribution to the cause
did you cause this?

a commotion quelched
concurrent currency
money markets clash
put options
reflecting wall street
and the dead trees
left hanging
on the barren landscape
unfixable lousey dreams
will dram stoker
Vlad the impaler
pale ghost rider
and the dead dogs and ancient englishmen
with bad teeth
entrophy does not get a shiny award or trophy
a tisket a tasket once a life in a basket
now just rolled heads, a turkey roll of fools
kicked down endless halls
captured like imprinted coins
hammered inbetween
dare we break the die that made us die?
cast dispersions to the sky?
or do we then
do we just die
we wait
not panicky
not jump out of buildings
nor take the dramamine
we face our enemies
til we see the white of their eyes
we eat til we drop dead and o' gout
die then live another day?
and yet when and if we do die
and become this rare extinction
since all matter seems to never die
we do so thankful and all is so very thankful
that we thank the thanker as thank-you's grow
and I love you stays the same no matter how
often it is said it is always between too
where thank-you maybe only one sided
unless love is too and I was just enough
deluded into believeing that love was something
other than a figment of imagination
it was more real than anything here
that maybe more than the physical
although certainly felt in the natural
we feel love
we be love
we are love
and love is the only infinity
all esle is rotting in the aisles
so what then is for eating and what should it be
does it matter if I had that extra calorie
I'm just dying for that extra once of chutzpah?
and die we do
where's the gong to enter through?

so eat well, clean the plate for tomorrow we die?
what if it is the next day after tomorrow
will we still eat full well knowing our death is
2 days away? and the worms ache to send more food
"down here". Arent we already in a kind of hell?
With worms and all, isnt that funny!

now that we've saved from ever taint
make room for the grand finale
a crash course in clash of the cymbals
symbolizing (homonym lover)nothing
Isn't that fitting!
I think I'll order another fitting
and let out the top button of my pants
we're quite finished here
we're quite done like dinner
I'm stuffed already
like bird with gravy!

even then
the stop-frame gag up here
gap the gang way of wrong way
fell the trees and stop all this barking
about regulations when so irregular anyways
this utter chaos in disorder
everything upside down and sideways
not lining up with the Grand Alignment
offset by 2 degrees of separation
Hah, you thought seven
I'm closing the gap
if you will too?
make it better for the both of us
you over there
me right here

gapping gapping gaping
flippin' trippy!
the stop-gag order was a frame up
who framed the famous welsh rarebit?
What's up doc? don't you remember?
the particulate matter dissolved
into thin air
what's the matter? Nothing.
encompass with your compasses
the final pass of infinite space
where finite space meets Austin city limits
nothing really matters to me either
especially not PBS
go public or stay private
as nothing really should
interfer with your sense of statiated stayedness
remember not to fly too high when watching Ponderosa
flying circles over me
I see you too
dont do anything
I love you the way you are
dont go changin' to try to please me
you never did before
do this in memory of me
brought to you by Jesus Sandals tm
do as does
so like a doe he does do does well
and nothing for nothing is good for nothing often goes
for saying and nothing ever does nothing
to do nothing
peculiar in these parts per million
glitches of spent witches
should have kept her heart
dried up hygrageneas on the range rover
a dry gulch; a greedy gritch big gulp guzzler at the 711

the elemental and sentimental silenced my heart
decries in the vacuum long assumed innocent
Lincoln's log cabin in the woods
screaming his boyhood history
beyond the normal range of hearing
picked up by those who hear with spirit ears
deadbeat bears lifeless souls peace out
flower-dried RIP tears through the corazon
dead end timed out before the starting gate opened
an opening would have been nice
but it closed as quickly as it did
A Fair ride at the Fair?
I think not!
enter through the no door
at your own risk
jokers wild
life's cruel jest
so innane even for those days
who played every day in the park
running thoughts from others telepathy
caught thoughtless trains of thoughts
walked naked as a blue jay
even after the reunion
even-after eternal life crept up
and the emptiness envelopes you yet
unaddressed issues these I
return to sender
Elvis has left the building
so where did he go?
can he find my house on gps?

as spirit evaporated milk into ether
turned sour dough in San Francisco
called wormwood homeless
and it's Medusa face
a shameful existence
for a fallen star
decreed doom?

rotten decay of nonexistence!

a receptacle bins of holding in lieu the queue
the clue...
a quick pickup and deposit
so many years of yesterday's forgotten dinners
unable to recall the details of what was
and that old chestnut; immortality
the fatal glass of beer
the fatal blow
the fatal natale
stocked up on uncooperativeness
laid waste the trash

being love's surety and understudy
as not being too persistent
and not being too personal
stood me in good stead
a steady lover day after day
Dali's persistence of memory
hangs crooked yet straight upon the wall
encapsulates wisdoms
hypostulates theories
incorporates actions
dry as a bone wisdom
creaking old bones
thoughts can't tweak anymore
only memory bent light
prisms rainbow magic
reflected light show of shadows
black and white tv
nothing ok anything
coming from a zombie
black hole deeper purple
the spaced out nine

as memories linger and harken back
remember 911 a call to shore up
all the stores one had in store
means SQUAT
that we may have been once NO MORE
AND all that

I've seen the light it's black and blue
beaten up
but it was a blacklight shining the unseen world
dimly lit city lights; a Parisian backdrop
a polished diamond left bank sunset's purple haze
so blinded by night's poisonous ink all night
tattoo parlours
i just had to write about Love
often drawn as a clown
as to dwell in the mirky depths the most comfort
like bad medicine is a good poison to some

so bright the lights thisnights on broadway
as to extinguished any and all
as remote a glimmer
of thinly veiled hope
the kind of shadowy hope
that lingers like a cellar dweller
drinking fine spirits and hops
taking it down, deconstruct
as we all knew what we know now
in our heart of hearts
always the Queen
who's recent stay reminded me
the window is only slightly ajar today

a flame sqelched, sputtered and hissed
quenched by the "down there" watery grave
every hopeful promise dashed
every wishful thought denied
every dream vision a version of delusion
for naught sweet nitey nites good night
baby bye-bye sweet baby Innane, Insanity's Baby Sister
decadent lover prone to impromptu decay
as wormwood turns inside-out my once steely guts
return to the grave to barter there
there with the other ranks of Humanities outstanding
bright lights grow ever dimmer
restless yet this place
in the day of our disaster
to wit this place of suspended animation
waivering like a flag depossessed by the pole
flying away, furling out of control
the gain is waiting is in queue
waiting for the long awaited never ever after
waiting while you pass the hours praying to your Unknown
waiting while you pass the test
they said you'd never have to do
the same way you entered here X
you exited the X crossed the t's
said a silent slip of a prayer
said a lot of nothing
as this became you
if not nothing, something
you did become
became white becamel sauce
white and creamy, loving and giving
too kind to get in the game you wrote about
whatever else it is
mostly it is simple bs
why you laugh
out loud?

as quickly as this it had begun
the startup turned to finish line done
your last word please
dont sneeze hold on
just a moment please
a hush
a pip
a slap in the face
tell me
be silent clown
the funny game
the funny game is all over
is it?


Really creepy I know! On the creep-o-meter this was pretty creepy for me. More existential creepy, but nonetheless, creepy with a capital "C". Shadowy Creepy creepy when creeper vines harbour spiders kind of kreepy! A Creepy Keepy!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

~~A~POEM~A~DAY~~EMILY DICKINSON~~"A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!" 42/1775

A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!

A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!
Your prayers, oh Passer by!
From such a common ball as this
Might date a Victory!
From marshallings as simple
The flags of nations swang.
Steady — my soul: What issues
Upon thine arrow hang!

by Emily Dickinson

Fanatical fans of Emily, this poem is insightful and inciteful. I think I feel this poem is like a call to arms, a rallying cry of some sort, probably patriotic in all senses of the word. This poem expounds upon a cry, like a town crier; Hear Yea, Hear Yea! Yes, Emily, we hear you! What exactly do you mean? Lets deduce her epic cries.

"A Day! Help! Help! Another Day!" Emily is crying to the passerbys to pity her soul and she asks for another day to help her find her "Victory".

"From such a common ball as this" could be reference to cannon fodder. Emily feels that she is common and a ball at the same time. Double entendre, and satrical in that she is referencing war imagery. Could it be the War of 1812 or the Civil War Emily is referring? Well I would think the War of 1812 where there was much more extensive use of "arrow"s.

The War of Independence 1776 time frame as Emily is mentioning "The flags of nations swang". It is past tense "swang" and the Civil War did happen during Emily's lifetime so I think she is definitely referencing this "nations" as the War of 1812 between the British and the Colonist's; the early Americans.

Emily has her own "issues" regarding this war.

Steady — my soul: What issues
Upon thine arrow hang!

The banner of flags and the banner of issues that the war brought about, the political angst of feeling attachment yet separation to either party during war. The confused state of allegiance to state or state of the soul. These ideas weigh heavy on Emily's heart, and so this is a song of woe, a poem pondering the religious question; what comes first; church or state, soul or political sway. The sway clearly demonstrated in the waving or waivering flag.

Chiccoreal Capture the Captive Questions of Miss Emily's Quandries Quarantined no Guarantee, but here's at go at 'er!

Which way will she go?
Emily's not lost
She's dated Victory!
She has already gone with him
gone around with him
dated for quite a while
Victory lovers
left Emily cold
and ponderous
poetry meanders
like a stream
hoping to find the river
that will lead back to the
Ocean...Emily's far shore!
the way of the waiver; the flag
light in the loafers
Waving goodbye
or come again!
The flap's over that
Tossed like a flapjack
by lumberjacks
on the homefire's hearth
stoking and kindling
The Spirit of Romance
A Mighty force recog'n
as state battles against state of mind
and all those sacred places
of soul
and the sanctity of that, in that and by that
Buy that?
Some other's version of Victory?
Say what?
Emily did questioned as once
wedded to or at least did
had a steady
Emily Dated Victory!
Is Victory Dated
In Victorian times
Held so High?

Help! Help! Another Day!
Emily Calm down
Ask yourself once suppine
Have you finally made up your mind
Which side you lay your head?
The Soul side of the bed
is usually
the South side
nitty gritty
the sunny side
Emily's side
of the Street!
Choose wisely Fellow Harkened thus
By Emily says
Go for The Soul
AbSOULutely must!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

~~~Tobin Island Dreamin'~~~

Free Will
A Fifth Wheel
Housing a Coupling
This was the way to go

i'll never know now
about the intricacies
the delicacies
the frilly lace things
ny ancient ancestry
unless i go back and sit on it
claim it as my own
homestead a while
get the deed to what was deeded me
by my forebearers
Forthence black bears
walking upright
heritary dna
a kickback a throw back
dont throw me back
without a night light
or a suitable smoke
Fort nights ere long ago
ere argo irgo
like a homesteader dude
purple smoke rises from homefires
Alogonquin always calls me
"Jane, come here, now"
in the fall especially to visit
when, like the Group of Seven
i paint en pleine aire

Ottawa's our own capital city
tobin's island a stone-throw away
mcdonald dip o' the silver chalice
blessings to the clearest cleanest
waters this side of Hog town
immortalized lake
drinking the sweet nectar
sacred water of our God
Holy Jesus!
a dream of immoralization
waiting patiently
to build our dream house
St. Margaret know how
building rez houses
dream upon dream
rideau certainly knew how too
and mugwumps!
prefabricated stories
no lies
hold me down
was it on the rye or the rum?
with the ancients there dreams
were more important than things
the heart says the ancestors
is the wisdom of the ages
drunk with the wine
of the Spirit
flying high totem's magic angel's hair
know their fright night
bear walker somewhat ominious ways
to the uninitiated
tried to tell me
dont go there girlfriend
i'm the girlfriend?
hold me back
there's only letting go
you yell you let me go
yet you keep me here
tied me to the old tree
the old ways
i dont mind
more's the pity new you
got to know the true gritty you
blinded to faith binded to you to find
peace within love seeping
from every crevice
devise a device
flow thru teabags
let the love pour forth
like a frothy Montreal River
coeur de bois
heart of berry?
bind my feet if you must
to the musty old ground
we stood at the standoff
sending the spirit descending
as ascending off you went
tom tomson's cabin
a nook in the woods for snook
for truths come undone
and found within you
the beauty lies still born
if you have to marry her
leave me alone
to fend with hungry wolves
the tales I must tell
when under your intoxication
during this time of the fall
when all crashes down
a renewed zeal
upon my fated brow
the professor calms me down
return to innocence by the score
to Wasaga Beach free as the wind
St Marie Amongst the Hurons
had horrors, no doubt but we have
Father Brebeuf praying for me
as I pray for him
sending back and forth this
communication of Spirited Love
We'll learn about once I find
the key to the Universal truth
when the Spirit is willing
to speak on the wind to me
to tell me the long lost secrets
held deep within the core of my
unravelling, my ancient dna
tied in with yours somehow
Says the Chief
remember their truths
were not so simple
as the paths were many
could have been multiple
only one path now
how to find
the old ways of the old ones
held in secreted places
only the heart can find
our path to follow
tell us we needed to know
of the long lost turtle tribe
infinity bound
ageless as the seas
you leave you shells as a reminder
fully engaged to be one
as we imbibed the spirit
all could see
the visions
in the dreams
all buried deep in that old oak tree
keeps me safe and warm
as i protector and provisioner
imparting harvest's bounty
dispensing wisdom
departing never
free from any harm
you bleed the precious blood
free from any stripe
free from any whip from mortal coil
or Mississauga Rattlesnake who makes
the medicine man
as those ancestors are held
within its trunk
never leave me
stay rooted
til kingdom come


~~Magpie #35 Fall Leaves Memories + Leaves In the Grass ~ Inspired by Walt Whitman~~~

leaves in the grass
full tilt
willy nilly
waning, waxing
pruning and tuning
a flux of spontaneousness
urge of creation
get ready it's fall tune up!

wind whips skirts the issue
hair flying willy-nilly~whoa nelly
bottom of the ninth leaves defy
gravity defying summer's last overtures
picnic tuna sandwiches on the lawn

a gaggle of geese
flopping and flying

seemingly smooth
as transitions go
no toggle nor taggle
so suddenly
fall switches on

shimmering sunlit birch leaves
birds fly bye-bye
crimson crisp apples
with maple shine
stomping crunching
kicking the light fantastic
stars beneath our feet

flying whips whispy
flippy hair everywhere
trying to drink through a straw
as every mouth stays closed
forego the flying debris

listening to the Mozart opus
to Dvorzak's crash
heard harolding music
through tree leaves
Her Majesty's musical score
autumn's crescendo a vortex
listen to the seasonal symphony
sitting by babbling brooks
everywhere there is sound

handfuls of dried up deadheads
next year's seeds
time to turn the sod
plant perrenial
hopeful next years crop
before I drop
and sleep soundly through the winter
last season's still alive somehow
leaves us with a promise
a duty foretold by forefathers
with whimsy a cap to be donned
throw caution to the wind
go naked as a bluejay
lets all fall down
take us away
fly high like the leaves
we're all yestedays's child
make like a tree and leave
head back to school
remember when?

piled high leaves
Jove's place to
nest in which to plop
a flop house of leaves
don't leave us alone
did I sit in that
poop when i plopped?
Mom yells
it's fall kids
come on back home again
were not getting older
were getting much better
if not somewhat uglier
cause were dying slowly
like the fallen from trees
but not to worry
it just a creepy
change of seasons
creeping up on us!

landing hither and thither
anything goes
on the heather
and on everyone else
fall leaves us so
full of potential
about ourselves
To be or not Toby?


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

~~~A POEM A DAY~~~EMILY DICKINSON~~~I robbed the Woods —41/1775

I robbed the Woods —
The trusting Woods.
The unsuspecting Trees
Brought out their Burs and mosses
My fantasy to please.
I scanned their trinkets curious — I grasped — I bore away —
What will the solemn Hemlock —
What will the Oak tree say?

Emily Dickinson

Dear fans of Emily Dickinson: This poem does seem to me to be a bit of an original twist on Emily's regular offerings. First of all, Emily is being quite coy and acting a part here. Emily is playing the role of the "robber" as "I robbed the Woods - not often are poems opening line states "I" or "robbed" in the same sentence, but apparently it did here.

This refreshing tale is quite humorous and funny! Imagine that Emily "brought out their Burs and mosses"; burs undoubtedly on her clothing and mosses on her shoes or boots. One has to wonder whether or not Emily is considering the idea of conservation
talking about taking "trinkets", nonetheless she seems to be acting in quite a guilty fashion in this poem. Emily being a trained botanist, there may be something to this. I wonder if Emily were ever in touched base with John Muir the founder of the Sierra Club, a pioneer ecologist and Father of the US National Parks; see This is wholly debatable.

The fact that Emily is doing something horribly wrong in this poem is quite in evidence here. Very funny, humorous too, in the fact that the "Solemn hemlock" and the "Oak tree" would take offence in the first place, and secondly that these two types of vegetation are poisonous. Definitely, one would not want to offend a tree that could is some way, perchance, lash out with poisonous wrath! This would be to frightful to even consider! One has to wonder why Emily stated "Solemn" hemlock? Maybe due to the fact that most who partake of its wares are often officiated by solemn procession. Maybe? Me thinks there is something else to learn, something is in the "works", a hidden passage-way? Much deliberate elusiveness here!

"My fantasy to please"

This is exactly what Emily is doing in this poem, creating a fantasy! And it pleases her! Why? What satisfaction could she possibly get from "Burr" (notice the capital letter here?) or "moss"? I have to wonder who are these people or what exactly is the meaning here? Maybe a political satire? Please see the last paragraph (below) for further postulations!

So Emily is reflecting in the poem her wish to fantasize about nature and create the woods to have a soul, and energy. Perhaps. Emily could have been studying Native Americans to have considered this concept of the spirit of plant life. In fact, there is evidence that Emily did study contemporary writers who wrote about the sociological, anthropological and current events of the Native Americans who's religion did conceive of plants having a spiritual consciousness. Considering this, this idea does add further dimension to the transcendental effect in Emily Dickinson's poems.

Emily's botany training is in evidence here;

"I scanned their trinkets curious — I grasped — I bore away —"

The length of this line is also much longer than previous poems, there is a curious word usage here; "grasped" and "bore", suggesting the atypical proding action a botanist would use to classify various plants in dissection.

Does Emily suggest that plants have a consciousness? At the very least, the concern of Miss Emily's for plants has an obvious literary technique known in the trade as personification. Miss Emily has given human characterization, such as the human foible of revenge to the various plants of her much loved woods of Amherst, Massachusetts.

A poem that can appear "simple" has many layers of details, much like a quilt or needlework. This takes a great deal of talent and skill to dispense seemingly beign words in this manner. Does Miss Emily have a secret language? A idiosynchronistic way of portraying layers of meaning, and for what purpose. This takes a great deal of intellect. Bravo Miss Emily!

Is there a reference to Aaron Burr here? One must wonder and be full of curious fantasy! Purely supposition you say and with much superstition? Yes, but, there has been the Aaron Burr reference alluded to in previous poems! "Unsuspecting trees"? Symbolic and biting if not poisonous Satire? Has there been such a woman before, to speak in a covert political way? Is Emily part of a political underground?


Chiccoreal's Conceptualization of Miss Emily Dickinson's poem "I robbed the Woods"

Yo, I ripped off the woods today
Nobody noticed
the many burrs and moss
on my pleated woolen skirt
on my thick-leather boot
My what curiousity and fantasy to enjoy
lovely samples; whilst I wondered, poked and prodded
Suddenly thought I -
What will Hemlock do?
What will Oak do?
seeming both so solemnly inclined
to do what?
poison me?
Hopefully not - no
not such cruel treachery
not for the likes of little ol' me!


Socrates takes poisonous hemlock (not sure if the actual trees are poisonous, but definitely the plant is poisonous! and certainly that creature carved into the wood looks very toxic!)

Yes this quilt IS from the Civil War era (coincidence? synchronicity?)

~~~Poetry Bus~~~Happiness Is...

Happiness is...

Happiness is sappy
Happiness is crappy
Happiness is grabby
Happiness is mappy
Happiness is lopsy
Happiness is flopsy
Happiness is tappy
Happiness is flappy
Happiness is rappy
Happiness is gappy
Happiness is topsy
Happiness is mopsy
Happiness is frappy
Happiness is zappy
Happiness is trappy
Happiness is blabby
Happiness is snappy
Happiness is lappy
Happiness is crabby
Happiness is snaggy
Happiness is baggy
Happiness is gaggy
Happiness is gobby
Happiness is sobby
Happiness is robby
Happiness is wobbly
Happiness is warbly
Happiness is throbby
Happiness is bobby
Happiness is moppy
Happiness is gnomy
Happiness is tommy
Happiness is loamy
Happiness is foamy
Happiness is tony
Happiness is fanny
Happiness is tanny
Happiness is gamey
Happiness is sonny
Happiness is funny!


Monday, October 4, 2010

~~~Magpie #34~~~The Hurricane Lamp~~~

The mighty north winds
swept undaunting
through the heart of the prairies
as the hurricane lamp flickered
with each gust
the only thing that
refused to give up

His swift return
He would return?
it was way past midnight
the killer storm
had culled it's catch
like a the claw on the backhoe
souls to take back
would have kept him out all the while
fighting to hold on
should have kept him here
I thought in hindsight now
but the wicked wind had kept
him away from me
as she whipped and licked
like a wanton woman
a greedy lover
this frigid north west wind!
keeping him prisoner
He's mine! I screamed
Only the Hurricane lamp
with my useless waste of breath

Kept vigil through the storm
as I was rooted to home
and our Hurricane Lamp
through those many years
the absolute joys,
the abject tears
this solid piece of solid state
on the mantel she sat
next to father time
through ages gritty worn
undue toil
recalled the warm soft hue
the romantic light
of goodtimes repast
The Hurricane Lamp stood alone
remained intact
Distinguished Utilitarian honour
How many lives saved?
have we counted?
must have been
By the score!

As the countless hours ticked
like a nasty mite continual
listenin our heart beat in our ears
louder than the wind that could hear
our cries but mocked us with eerie
slaughter, a laughter which
slaps while it laughs
in our worrisome faces
Only the eyes spark
in our eyes
would defeat
the unjust call of the wind
tell a different story
of Human Survival
Against all odds
we made it

this beacon of hope
this rescuer of souls
this little light of mine
This miracle of miracle workers

The Hurricane Lamp bestowed
upon our fetted brow
unwrinkled every frown
Where is Her Majesty now
now that time forgot
stored away like a castaway
with old cracked teapot in stow
and the tempest that lies within
Recalls the distance
and persistence of time
and the menacing memories
of that Murderous Storm
Years ago now
but never forgotten
etched in heritary dna
these accounts of old

Always the Hurricane Lamp
So Undauntingly
Stoic and Hardy
Hardly a scratch on the glass!
All these off the record accounts
eons of recorded history

a prize fighter to the end
This focused flame's
innermost strength
never to be severed
never to
the flame that lit the night
through the darkest moments
recounting the bitterness
survived to thrive again
our once embattled lives.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

~~~Emily Dickinson A-Poem-A-Day~~"When I count the seeds" 40/1775

When I count the seeds
That are sown beneath,
To bloom so, bye and bye —
When I con the people
Lain so low,
To be received as high —
When I believe the garden
Mortal shall not see —
Pick by faith its blossom
And avoid its Bee,
I can spare this summer, unreluctantly

Emily Dickinson

There is definitely a typo in this poem! Oh my goodness it makes no sense! "When I 'con' the people"? I am sure it should read "When I count the people" that lain so low. In other words the dead persons are like the seeds that are sown and underground and people too are buried like spiritual seed to arise. How could the people at the Emily Dickinson Institute NOT KNOW about this! It is SUCH A glaring ERROR! oH WELL! Honestly! Didn't anyone notice this?

So Emily is saying, roundabout, that those that are "lain low" will be "received as hign" as in come High Heaven.

Emily believes the Garden (or the earth) will not see the "Mortal" that are not going to be "blooming" on earth, rather, picked or taken by their faith by the Maker and they can avoid the sting of "bee", and other mortal coil effects. Persons can, like seeds, be counted in mass numbers once they are "planted" six feet down. Sort of morbid, Ms Emily, but you did taste death quite frequently so maybe these poems are your way of dealing with her grief. Odd she turns comedic at times, using quippy satire to describe her plight. I guess that is how many deal with the finality and the excessive grief and a modern way of seeing the world, Ms Emily! Very cathartic!

When Emily says "I can spare this summer" unreluctanly it is a bit of satire here, she does not want to die "this summer" so she "spares" it and then states instead of "reluctantly" which would be the logical conclusion, Emily provides a twist and states "unreluctantly" which means she really cannot spare this summer or her lack of faith and needs to, unreluctantly study her Bible! Miss Emily certainly is funny!
Again, the death theme, allusions to the grave, flowers and her lovely bee personal imagery. Maybe just summer ending would create this "death" poem? Hard to say as we dont have any further providence in regards to time, place, etc. Maybe we could try to compile some comparative summations in regards to the motivations for this particular speech, a date stamp on each poem would certainly help! However, this not being the case, we would see the imagery around the time of various events in her life to summise the time frame of each poem.

Such style Ms Emily! YOu've outdone the overgrown garden yet again!


Chiccoreal's Take On Ms Emily Dickinson's poem "When I count the seeds"

When I count seeds
I rarely think of those seeds
being counted again once seeded
but then again
I wasnt born in the 1800's
when ever bit of food meant survival
and every life buried is a close friend
or relative or future spouse
Ms Emily unreluctantly
says FAITH makes HEAVEN SO
but not at all in those words
that seem to be painted
like a puzzle in a pallette uncommon
She leads us and gives us here, her plight
her ingenuous mind can conjure
if we think we cannot
we only have to think as Ms Emily would
way back when a century or more ago
what was life really like back then
how did people really think when they felt trapped
could there be a way to be free in poetry?
innocent and fanciful free?
Like Ms Emily?
A modern day Grandma Moses of words
and throw caution to the wind
and other natural stylized imagery
Ms Emily laughs
In the face of aridity
and much disenchantment
Heaven's Gated Pinion
Very Brave New World
with no sting of Emily's Bee!
no sting of death!
Death Where Is Your Sting?
Says Ms Emily roundabout!
Ms Emily's foot one foot forward
not six feet down
into the Modern World of Satire
and biting sarcasm
lives on and on
Long Live Ms Emily!


Friday, October 1, 2010

TRANSCRIPT: Live Chat with David Shore Creator/Writer of tv show HOUSE...I asked will House Have A Sexual Addiction: (oH yEAH!)

TRANSCRIPT: Live Chat with David Shore Creator/Writer of tv show HOUSE...I asked will House Have A Sexual Addiction: (oH yEAH!)by Ja-Len Jones on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 8:02pm
House Premiere: Live Blog LIVEJoin the live chat during the season premiere of House with special guest David Shore, Creator & Executive Producer of House. Monday Sept. 20 at 8.00 EST< Newest123Oldest >by mflanagan at 9/20/2010 11:33:43 PM7:33 PMhideJane From London Logout

bold italics ENTER = Save Post. Shift+ENTER = Linebreak

Make a comment House grew up... somewhere in America (Hugh obsesses about the accent and that makes it easier)by davidshore at 8:56 PMReplywill we see orlando jones this season?by tanner at 8:56 PM@davidshore what has shocked you most about filming houseby kaitlin cornell at 8:56 PMDavid Thanks for ALL the hours of House! by Eddie Maze at 8:56 PMI heard Hugh Laurie actually started to have health issues due to constantly walking with a limp for his House character. How is he dealing with it? Has anything had to be modified during shooting?by Brandi English-Rose Wilson at 8:56 PMMaybe House could have a sex addiction! It's the going thing and certainly could create a newsy topic today. I wouldnt think that's a bad thing with Hugh since he already has the drug thing happening..Of course that wasnt really was his was the Dr..who gave him the dope, and what about his "elusive but eluded to dead wife" I loved that by you at 8:55 PMWhere did House grow up?by Blitzen at 8:55 PMis Lukas still part of the showby ShadowCalibur at 8:55 PMNBC (owner of this show) would love me to write another show - hopefully will happen at some pointby davidshore at 8:55 PMat least one more season - possibly twelve (seriously, who knows - as long as you're watching and we're enjoying making...)by davidshore at 8:55 PMhave you been approched to write for any other shows?by Jacob C at 8:55 PM@davidshore, how many seasons will there be of house?by mill13 at 8:54 PM13 is going to Rome, not Cameron - Cameron went to Chicago - 13 will be backby davidshore at 8:54 PMthis season... as you'll hopefully see and hopefully agree... I like the fact that we've put House in a relationship but kept House House - we're exploring relationships but having fun - which is fun for all - fun, fun, funby davidshore at 8:54 PMput betty white in a episode...lolby ryguy at 8:53 PMIs Cameron being written off the show with her trip to Rome or are you going to be doing episodes with her treatments as wellby ScottNan at 8:53 PMlove your show david. anything that you are especially proud of this season that you can tell us about ?by cryllo at 8:52 PMtime from shooting to airing varies as the air dates start to catch up with us - can be a couple of months, can be a few weeksby davidshore at 8:52 PMNow I see how your playing this out..Good job!!by Tjmaday at 8:52 PMLike last season, what i thought would continue for the full season is wraping up in the openerby jelly at 8:51 PMlove the twist already, very House likeby Brad_th at 8:51 PMhe shot it on hiatusby davidshore at 8:51 PM@davidshore Completely! I don't think a ride off into the sunset ending would be appropriate, but I could deal with him not jumping off a TVTherapy at 8:51 PMshe wasn't today - come on, I'm typing hard here, least you could do is pay attentionby davidshore at 8:51 PMHow much time elapses from start of recording of an episode to its availability for airing, and how much of that time is in camera shooting>by Mouse at 8:51 PMwhat just happened? hahahaby cko at 8:51 PMDid Hugh Laurie's shooting of his new movie "The Oranges" interrupt his "House" schedule?by Ted at 8:51 PMI'd rather have Cuddy or Wilson - unless I was dyingby davidshore at 8:50 PMCurious question. Why is Jennifer Morrison's name still in the opening credits? Will she be returning to the show?by Dragonsord at 8:50 PMhappy ending? have you been watching this show?by davidshore at 8:50 PMWould you prefer to have a doctor who's like House, Wilson, or Cuddy supervising your case in case of debilitating disease?by shadowjester at 8:50 PMhorn dog? no more than usual - just more opportunity than usualby davidshore at 8:50 PMI know you think House is generally unhappy, but don't you think he has a chance to end the series on a happy note? by TVTherapy at 8:49 PMdutch decent? probably because I have a friend of dutch decent - he also might ahve been lyingby davidshore at 8:49 PMhouse seems like a total horn-dog this episode. (moreso than usual).by gc at 8:49 PMhow about an episode on MS and the experiemental treatment being conducted in italyby tanner at 8:49 PMcoma patient might wake up - but we don't have a series deal with the actor who slept through those episodes (there have been several)by davidshore at 8:49 PMDavid, by Eddie Maze at 8:49 PMIf she gets to marry house, i get to marry 13by jelly at 8:48 PM@davidshore, how many seasons will there be of house?by mill13 at 8:48 PMSo House is from Dutch decent, (episode one day, one room) why Dutch?by Eve at 8:48 PMyes you can marry Hugh Luarie - I'll let him and his wife knowby davidshore at 8:48 PMwill look into ALL - hope you're wellby davidshore at 8:47 PMMy sister just told me to ask you if you could get Paul McCartney on an episode lolby Stephanie Jade Grossauer at 8:47 PMWill the "Coma Patient" (the one who's room HOuse is always borrowing) ever wake up?by Noah at 8:47 PMNext time your on set, let everyone know how amazing this show is and how much we love it. Keep up the great work !!!!by Brad_th at 8:47 PMcan i marry hugh laurie ? like secretively of course.. his the sexiest man ever. yes i am seventeen by the ALICIA at 8:47 PMfavorite ep? they're all my babies (do have a soft spot for pilot and all the ones that have won awards)by davidshore at 8:46 PMmr shore, can you please do an episode on Lieukemia, specifically ALL. I had ALL as a child and i would love to see a survival story to relate tooby Andrew Jacques at 8:46 PMDo you have an episode that you are most proud of or that is your favourite?by Matti Cowan at 8:46 PMwe will see more of Taub's struggleby davidshore at 8:45 PMI have almost no input into music (unless I don't like something)by davidshore at 8:45 PMI DID NOT expect it to be this big - never even occured to me - didn't even know it was possible - VERY COOL having people listening to my words all around the worldby davidshore at 8:45 PMAre we going to be seeing more about Taub's struggle with infidelity? by Alexis_Rueal at 8:45 PMHugh was going to direct but now he isn't unfortunately - schedule is crazyby davidshore at 8:44 PMthe medical mystery idea was basically Katie and Paul - the character and the structure was mine - I can't remember what the question wasby davidshore at 8:44 PMWill Mr, Laurie be directing an episode again this season? He did fantastic last Dragonsord at 8:44 PMDavid, did you expect house to be this big?by erik at 8:43 PMDo you have any say in the type of music that gets put into the show? And what are your favourite shows?by RayRay at 8:43 PMWill Stephen Fry be guest starring this season?by farz at 8:43 PMalways watch other shows - have spent too much of my life watching too much tvby davidshore at 8:42 PMHow did you think of the idea of making house? and how did you get it going?by Ozzi at 8:42 PMunfortunately haven't been to London in years (parents moved to toronto) - two regular character names are shockingly similar to sisters of poeple I went to high school withby davidshore at 8:42 PMDavid, do you ever watch other shows?by Blitzen at 8:42 PMDo you ever come home to London often? and do you ever get inspried by people from here?by Thesis at 8:41 PMthey're all a delight and incredibly funny (I'm not an idiot)by davidshore at 8:41 PMgo to bed Chrisby davidshore at 8:41 PMwhos the best to work with of the cast.. like funnestby kaitlin at 8:40 PMwill Cameron's Huntington's treatment work or will it fail horribly one of your youngest fans Chris age 13 by christopher at 8:40 PMAny chance of Shannon returning?by Stormwhisper at 8:40 PMI only watch these things again when global tv makes meby davidshore at 8:40 PMher mom is watching her - pretty sure that was mentioned quicklyby davidshore at 8:40 PMShore do you sit back and watch the seasons when they're finished?by rjsamps at 8:39 PMyes he did audition from a bathroom - in Africa - buy the season one dvd to see (and so I'll earn 4 cents)by davidshore at 8:39 PM@davidshore Where is Rachel during all of this?by Peewee0910 at 8:39 PMI think he is still seeing the therapist (but Andre Braugher is on another show)by davidshore at 8:39 PMA movie could fit the series, the prison break did a movie (and barely anyone knows about it) after the series finished and it was actually very goodby Mutank at 8:39 PMChase handles his new single life in a fairly aggressive wayby davidshore at 8:38 PMis house still seeing his therapist?by askrtic at 8:38 PMDid Hugh Laurie really audition from a bathroom?by Ted at 8:38 PMWill there be any new developments in terms of a romantic relationship with Chase?by RayRay at 8:37 PMno plans re surgery on leg - though it is also something we discuss semi-frequentlyby davidshore at 8:37 PMDoes Hugh ever forget to limp when shooting, and then you have to go back and reshoot scenes?by Ejay at 8:37 PMa house movie maybe?..lolby ryguy at 8:37 PMPlease do not do any spin-offs!!!by Nikki at 8:37 PMno spin offs yet - we keep talking about it davidshore at 8:37 PMHouse is definitely my favourite tv show! Do you see any spin-offs?by you at 8:37 PMmade him american because wrote him before he was cast - then didn't change him because I knew he was different and didn't want people to dismiss his differences as something "foreign" (from US point of view)by davidshore at 8:36 PMplease bring back the clinic i love the scientific stretches they are awesome please make house go back ie the gum chewer and the under ager and the guy trying to cheat the sysemby eightgage at 8:36 PMnone is shot in hospitals - location for teasers and homes we break into and stuff - but hospital is all on stages at Foxby davidshore at 8:36 PMare you going to have House undergo any type of surgery to help him better cope with his leg pain? Thank you for the best show on TV!!by KJ at 8:35 PMmost difficult to write? all of them - or at least you try to care about eahc just as muchby davidshore at 8:35 PMHow much of PPTH are actually sets, and how much are actual scenes shot in hospitals?by shadowjester at 8:35 PMWhy did you decide to make House American? Must be a challenge for Hugh to keep that accent up for hours at a time... were you ever tempted to change House to British after signing Hugh?by Alexis_Rueal at 8:35 PMI always feel burnt out - and I don't write these things all by myself - I have a great team of writers - I oversee and rewriteby davidshore at 8:35 PMOut of all of the characters that you write which one is the most difficultby MJ19 at 8:34 PMWhat inspired you to write your show House?by :) at 8:34 PMI do not have a season finale written yet - we stay just ahead of production (though planned out slightly better)by davidshore at 8:34 PMMr. Shore do you ever feel burnt out or do you enjoy writing each episode? Are there moments where you just feel like moving on to something new?by Matti Cowan at 8:33 PMOn average how far ahead of time is a script written? (And thank you for the nest show in TV)by Kristin at 8:33 PMif that's really you there Mr. Shore. On Behalf of all the fans of the Show, Big thanks to you and your crew for creating an Epic show like this which will definitely stay in our heart for a long-long time even after the show Dr.Wilson at 8:33 PMthere is only one MD writer - Dr. Foster - he no longer practices (can do for mankind helping us pretend) - the other 3 doctors are consultantsby davidshore at 8:33 PMhahahahahah Cuddy leaves!by Donna at 8:33 PMMore about Cameron. She's such a sweety. Why was she dumped?by Carley at 8:33 PMI know that wasn't a question, but yes she is sexyby davidshore at 8:32 PMDavid Shore: What is the inspiration behind Dr.House's constant character fluctuations? by Nikki at 8:32 PMdo have a season finale writen?by ryguy at 8:32 PMwow... cuddy has a sexy back. (and front, for that matter).by gc at 8:32 PMAlso, Dr. Foreman's specialty is neurology, not shadowjester at 8:32 PMI've enjoyed all the stuff you've participated in and/or created. Wondered if you had any other ideas, you might be pursuing in the Jenn at 8:32 PMDo the MD writers also still work as doctors?by JohnM at 8:31 PMThat must be very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to answers our questionsby erik at 8:31 PMdo you have any kidsby joe at 8:31 PMDue to the number of questions we are having to pick through them to ask Mr. Shore. Keep sending them - we'll post as many as we possibly mflanagan at 8:31 PMforeman is a neurologist - not a neurosurgeon - I've learned just enough medicine while working on this show to... actually to do nothing other than write this showby davidshore at 8:31 PMIsn't Dr. Foreman a neurosurgeon? They're looking for one in the premier and Foreman is never Noah at 8:30 PMOMG great show u got going i have never missed an episode all i can think aboout every second of the day is what will happen next omg i love you david shore!!! i love your showby mill13 at 8:30 PMto the guy from Montreal who wants to be in the show - no problem as long as you're already famousby davidshore at 8:30 PMA lot of focus is being put upon the relationship of House and Cuddy this season, as shown by all of the promos. However, what can we expect to learn about the fate of Thirteen? Also, is her relationship with Foreman going to blossom again?by askrtic at 8:30 PMHugh has a similar sense of humor to the character (and to me - which is delightful for me)by davidshore at 8:30 PM@davidshore YES! Canadian accent joke! Also, you should have Chase or someone get into an accident and everybody should be Kaitlin at 8:30 PMHello from Montreal! I'll be turning 40 this coming November and to celebrate I would love to be a part of the show...any chance this could happen?by MJ at 8:29 PMlove you but, canadiand dont have accentsby KB at 8:29 PMwe're doing a few more clinic beats this year than last - it's something we unfortunately lost a bit once we started doing a few more personal momentsby davidshore at 8:29 PMIS HUGH's sense of humor the same in person as he portrays on the show???by rjsamps at 8:29 PMwhy does everybody on the show talk as if they have a degree in pshycologyby abarcam at 8:29 PMJust like to say that this show has been great from the start! Can't wait to see the stories unfold :) the script is evelyn at 8:29 PMgonna be another great season David,keep it up....high five from home,Canada loves ya' man. by Michael Parks at 8:29 PMsure, I'll do a canadian patient (we actually make a canadian accent joke later in the season)by davidshore at 8:28 PMDavid, I would like to chance to say thank you for creating a show that is so addictive! thank you by MJ19 at 8:28 PMSo far this is the BEST episode YET!!! Cuddy & House finallyby Tjmaday at 8:28 PMdavid will u ever film in toronto?by mizzceecee at 8:28 PMdon't think we'll be shooting in London any time soon - sorryby davidshore at 8:28 PMWILL U EVER FILM AN EPISODE WITH A CANADIAN PATIENTby ALICIA at 8:28 PMnice! by the way do yo guys still use the same cannon cameras used for the previous epidose(s)?by Luvdipinder at 8:28 PMI decided this was a different enough med show since it's really about people, not medicineby davidshore at 8:28 PMI want to see a clinic scene in every episode i love that part it is the main reason we watch itby eightgage at 8:28 PMMr. Shore, this is hands down my favorite show ever and I admire the writers. Do you intend on bringing new ones into the fold?by Kristin at 8:27 PMWill 13 come back from Italy?by Eva at 9/21/2010 12:27:51 AM8:27 PMMr.David shore I am from London Ontario and I was wdonering if you would ever film an episode here?by DrKaber at 9/21/2010 12:27:35 AM8:27 PMwe general shoot on film but have done more and more stuff digital latelyby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:27:24 AM8:27 PMDavid for many of us fans this is a long time coming Thank You. Your work is brilliant. Here's my question: Where do you see this storyline going when it comes to Cuddy and House? And do you think many will be pleased with the outcome of their storyline and their relationship however you have it unfold. Once again Thank You are Thesis at 9/21/2010 12:27:16 AM8:27 PMintimate episode because we felt we had to follow up them getting together with something that doesn't treat that as just another mmoment - more typical episodes to followby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:27:06 AM8:27 PM@davidshore y did u decide to make a medical drama when there are so many already such as general hospital, greys antatomy etc.?by matt at 9/21/2010 12:27:03 AM8:27 PMI LOVE YOU FOR YOUR SHOW! House is amazing :D! Season 7 is awesome. Do you think we will be seeing hugh laurie sign for a season 8by Dylan Tittel at 9/21/2010 12:26:36 AM8:26 PMassume you just went to commercial because I just got a ton of messages - will do my davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:26:17 AM8:26 PMHow much is House's relationship with Cuddy going to change the future of the show?by shadowjester at 9/21/2010 12:26:17 AM8:26 PMWill Wilson have a girlfriend in this season?by Robyn at 9/21/2010 12:26:11 AM8:26 PMYou can tell Global just put an ad on to talk with David Shore. Traffic has picked up :)by Chris at 9/21/2010 12:26:04 AM8:26 PMI wanna see a house episode with a stigmata in it , where its house against the devil, and or evil forces . by Andreas at 9/21/2010 12:25:02 AM8:25 PMomg it prolly is cuddy's exby vik at 9/21/2010 12:24:59 AM8:24 PMWhat did you shoot this episode one? are you guys back to film or are you still shooting on the D7 ?by Sub10456 at 9/21/2010 12:24:57 AM8:24 PMhey do you read screenplaysby asad c at 9/21/2010 12:24:56 AM8:24 PMWhy is this such a intimate episode?by Luvdipinder at 9/21/2010 12:24:48 AM8:24 PMy did u decide to make a medical drama when there are so many already such as general hospital, greys antatomy etc.?by matt at 9/21/2010 12:24:46 AM8:24 PMobvi, 13 is back.. she is IN the season Alexicon at 9/21/2010 12:24:46 AM8:24 PMhahaa hes so hottby at 9/21/2010 12:24:44 AM8:24 PMDavid Shore, you totally rock and give all Canadian writers hope of doing great work! This has been my favourite show since the first episode. Congratulations on all your creativecommunications at 9/21/2010 12:24:41 AM8:24 PMit could be Cuddys ex at the doorby Izzie at 9/21/2010 12:24:41 AM8:24 PM@Jay two people have already twoseat at 9/21/2010 12:24:40 AM8:24 PManyone else wanna marry him?by at 9/21/2010 12:24:40 AM8:24 cuddy going to dump him at the end of this episode for not telling him about rj at 9/21/2010 12:24:40 AM8:24 PMWhen will Stephen Fry be on the show???by K5Stew at 9/21/2010 12:24:38 AM8:24 PMim high and now i think cuddy is super sexyby Im so high and now i think... at 9/21/2010 12:24:37 AM8:24 PMWill Cameron be back?by ChampPilot at 9/21/2010 12:24:36 AM8:24 PMFrye would be great - have to find the right roleby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:24:35 AM8:24 PMWilson Is at the door duhby HOUSE at 9/21/2010 12:24:35 AM8:24 PMLOL... "its burning my anus"by vik at 9/21/2010 12:24:34 AM8:24 PMOMGGG ITS WILSONby vik at 9/21/2010 12:24:26 AM8:24 PMlike he would tell uby lpnikolai at 9/21/2010 12:24:24 AM8:24 PMshe'll be back - but not for a whileby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:24:24 AM8:24 PMDavid Shore - that you for this show...fellow London Ontario personby N8R at 9/21/2010 12:24:23 AM8:24 PMWouldn't it have made more sense to make the season premiere extremely interesting instead of political and emotional?by twoseat at 9/21/2010 12:24:20 AM8:24 PMI know I, for one, am happy to see such growth from House... yes, the snark is fun, but I have loved to see how he has changed and that he can be happy. Thank you all for giving that to Alexis_Rueal at 9/21/2010 12:24:18 AM8:24 PMWill they find a neurosurgeon?by KailaNewberry at 9/21/2010 12:24:16 AM8:24 PMMr Shore, is there any chance of anyone dieing on the show ?by Jay at 9/21/2010 12:24:15 AM8:24 PM@Glebite - Having Fry on the show would be HILARIOUS!by Ejay at 9/21/2010 12:24:13 AM8:24 PMthats foreman at the doorby Shanay at 9/21/2010 12:24:13 AM8:24 PMwe want him to be happy - in theoryby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:24:06 AM8:24 PMHoping to see a Huddy baby <3by Izzie at 9/21/2010 12:24:03 AM8:24 PMHow erotic are we going to get this year?by Gabe at 9/21/2010 12:24:03 AM8:24 PMwhere is House's apartment?by Shikhar at 9/21/2010 12:24:02 AM8:24 PMwhy is this episode so painfully slow?by fatmanFUBAR at 9/21/2010 12:24:00 AM8:24 PMwill there be new additions to the cast this season?by chrisbburn at 9/21/2010 12:24:00 AM8:24 PMWhat has been your favorite episode?by itsnotlupus at 9/21/2010 12:23:59 AM8:23 PMwilsonby brochelle at 9/21/2010 12:23:56 AM8:23 PMWill 13 be back ?by Eva at 9/21/2010 12:23:54 AM8:23 PMIt's Wilson at the door, no?by CS at 9/21/2010 12:23:53 AM8:23 PMHouse will remain sarcastic and hateableby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:23:53 AM8:23 PMlol clearly wilsonby ViolenziaDomestica at 9/21/2010 12:23:51 AM8:23 PMWilsonby Jonathan Keebler at 9/21/2010 12:23:48 AM8:23 PM@rj wilsonby lucaz77 at 9/21/2010 12:23:47 AM8:23 PMIs there any chance of getting Stephen Fry on the show?by Glebite at 9/21/2010 12:23:42 AM8:23 PM< Newest123Oldest >Powered by ScribbleLiveAdvertisementAdvertisement NCIS: LASeason PremiereTuesday at 9.00 et/pt BonesSeason PremiereThursday at 8.00 et/pt The OfficeSeaso PremiereThursday at 9.00 et/pt OutsourcedSeries PremiereThursday at 9.30 et/ptHouseSeason PremiereMonday at 8.00 et/ptLone StarSeries PremiereMonday at 9.00 et/ptHawaii Five-0Series PremiereMonday at 10.00 et/ptGleeSeason PremiereTuesday at 8.00 et/ptNCIS: LASeason PremiereTuesday at 9.00 et/ptBonesSeason PremiereThursday at 8.00 et/ptThe OfficeSeaso PremiereThursday at 9.00 et/ptOutsourcedSeries PremiereThursday at 9.30 et/pt HouseSeason PremiereMonday at 8.00 et/pt Lone StarSeries PremiereMonday at 9.00 et/pt Hawaii Five-0Series PremiereMonday at 10.00 et/pt GleeSeason PremiereTuesday at 8.00 et/ptAbout Us |Privacy Policy |Terms & Conditions |Copyright |Media |Advertise |Contact Us |Site Map Global TV |HGTV |Showcase |Slice |Food Network |History © 2010, CW Media Inc., All Rights Reserved. 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House Premiere: Live Blog LIVEJoin the live chat during the season premiere of House with special guest David Shore, Creator & Executive Producer of House. Monday Sept. 20 at 8.00 EST< Newest123Oldest >by mflanagan at 9/20/2010 11:33:43 PM7:33 PMhideJane From London Logout

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Make a comment I'm going back to work now (or home, you'll never know for sure) - thank you all for watching - it's actually been funby davidshore at 9:00 PMReplySo is this the end of the chat now? Or is there still time for a few more questions?by KeagenForce at 9:00 PMi feel like i wanna cry... i wanna see the rest of the season right now!!by mill13 at 9:00 PMand in answer to so many questions that I didn't specifically respond to... thank you for saying thatby davidshore at 8:59 PMThank you so much for an amazing show :)by :) at 8:59 PMthanks so much, david, for your time!by gc at 8:59 PMwell i'm really happy with the first episode, thank you for it, and thanks for many many more to come. Canada loves House!!!by Andrew Jacques at 8:59 PMhave a new character coming in to join the team in a few episodes - played by Amber Tamblyn (Joan of Arcadia) - she's greatby davidshore at 8:58 PMfinally House says it wow, finally!by cheryl at 8:58 PMI think that line just made my life! <3by Peewee0910 at 8:58 PMI'm not normal - but neither are youby davidshore at 8:58 PMYou're awesome David. Fo Eva at 8:58 PMwhat's most shocked me is... this - that this weird thing I created has struck such a cord and maybe it's (I'm) not so weirdby davidshore at 8:57 PMi love the fact that your just a normal person like usby rjsamps at 8:57 PMDavid, can we look forward to some brand new main characters this season?by KeagenForce at 8:57 PMhe does get some elbow pain from time to time - I think it's the tennis (I refuse to take responsibility)by davidshore at 8:57 PMHouse grew up... somewhere in America (Hugh obsesses about the accent and that makes it easier)by davidshore at 8:56 PMwill we see orlando jones this season?by tanner at 8:56 PM@davidshore what has shocked you most about filming houseby kaitlin cornell at 8:56 PMDavid Thanks for ALL the hours of House! by Eddie Maze at 8:56 PMI heard Hugh Laurie actually started to have health issues due to constantly walking with a limp for his House character. How is he dealing with it? Has anything had to be modified during shooting?by Brandi English-Rose Wilson at 8:56 PMMaybe House could have a sex addiction! It's the going thing and certainly could create a newsy topic today. I wouldnt think that's a bad thing with Hugh since he already has the drug thing happening..Of course that wasnt really was his was the Dr..who gave him the dope, and what about his "elusive but eluded to dead wife" I loved that by you at 8:55 PMWhere did House grow up?by Blitzen at 8:55 PMis Lukas still part of the showby ShadowCalibur at 8:55 PMNBC (owner of this show) would love me to write another show - hopefully will happen at some pointby davidshore at 8:55 PMat least one more season - possibly twelve (seriously, who knows - as long as you're watching and we're enjoying making...)by davidshore at 8:55 PMhave you been approched to write for any other shows?by Jacob C at 8:55 PM@davidshore, how many seasons will there be of house?by mill13 at 8:54 PM13 is going to Rome, not Cameron - Cameron went to Chicago - 13 will be backby davidshore at 8:54 PMthis season... as you'll hopefully see and hopefully agree... I like the fact that we've put House in a relationship but kept House House - we're exploring relationships but having fun - which is fun for all - fun, fun, funby davidshore at 8:54 PMput betty white in a episode...lolby ryguy at 8:53 PMIs Cameron being written off the show with her trip to Rome or are you going to be doing episodes with her treatments as wellby ScottNan at 8:53 PMlove your show david. anything that you are especially proud of this season that you can tell us about ?by cryllo at 8:52 PMtime from shooting to airing varies as the air dates start to catch up with us - can be a couple of months, can be a few weeksby davidshore at 8:52 PMNow I see how your playing this out..Good job!!by Tjmaday at 8:52 PMLike last season, what i thought would continue for the full season is wraping up in the openerby jelly at 8:51 PMlove the twist already, very House likeby Brad_th at 8:51 PMhe shot it on hiatusby davidshore at 8:51 PM@davidshore Completely! I don't think a ride off into the sunset ending would be appropriate, but I could deal with him not jumping off a TVTherapy at 8:51 PMshe wasn't today - come on, I'm typing hard here, least you could do is pay attentionby davidshore at 8:51 PMHow much time elapses from start of recording of an episode to its availability for airing, and how much of that time is in camera shooting>by Mouse at 8:51 PMwhat just happened? hahahaby cko at 8:51 PMDid Hugh Laurie's shooting of his new movie "The Oranges" interrupt his "House" schedule?by Ted at 8:51 PMI'd rather have Cuddy or Wilson - unless I was dyingby davidshore at 8:50 PMCurious question. Why is Jennifer Morrison's name still in the opening credits? Will she be returning to the show?by Dragonsord at 8:50 PMhappy ending? have you been watching this show?by davidshore at 8:50 PMWould you prefer to have a doctor who's like House, Wilson, or Cuddy supervising your case in case of debilitating disease?by shadowjester at 8:50 PMhorn dog? no more than usual - just more opportunity than usualby davidshore at 8:50 PMI know you think House is generally unhappy, but don't you think he has a chance to end the series on a happy note? by TVTherapy at 8:49 PMdutch decent? probably because I have a friend of dutch decent - he also might ahve been lyingby davidshore at 8:49 PMhouse seems like a total horn-dog this episode. (moreso than usual).by gc at 8:49 PMhow about an episode on MS and the experiemental treatment being conducted in italyby tanner at 8:49 PMcoma patient might wake up - but we don't have a series deal with the actor who slept through those episodes (there have been several)by davidshore at 8:49 PMDavid, by Eddie Maze at 8:49 PMIf she gets to marry house, i get to marry 13by jelly at 8:48 PM@davidshore, how many seasons will there be of house?by mill13 at 8:48 PMSo House is from Dutch decent, (episode one day, one room) why Dutch?by Eve at 8:48 PMyes you can marry Hugh Luarie - I'll let him and his wife knowby davidshore at 8:48 PMwill look into ALL - hope you're wellby davidshore at 8:47 PMMy sister just told me to ask you if you could get Paul McCartney on an episode lolby Stephanie Jade Grossauer at 8:47 PMWill the "Coma Patient" (the one who's room HOuse is always borrowing) ever wake up?by Noah at 8:47 PMNext time your on set, let everyone know how amazing this show is and how much we love it. Keep up the great work !!!!by Brad_th at 8:47 PMcan i marry hugh laurie ? like secretively of course.. his the sexiest man ever. yes i am seventeen by the ALICIA at 8:47 PMfavorite ep? they're all my babies (do have a soft spot for pilot and all the ones that have won awards)by davidshore at 8:46 PMmr shore, can you please do an episode on Lieukemia, specifically ALL. I had ALL as a child and i would love to see a survival story to relate tooby Andrew Jacques at 8:46 PMDo you have an episode that you are most proud of or that is your favourite?by Matti Cowan at 8:46 PMwe will see more of Taub's struggleby davidshore at 8:45 PMI have almost no input into music (unless I don't like something)by davidshore at 8:45 PMI DID NOT expect it to be this big - never even occured to me - didn't even know it was possible - VERY COOL having people listening to my words all around the worldby davidshore at 8:45 PMAre we going to be seeing more about Taub's struggle with infidelity? by Alexis_Rueal at 8:45 PMHugh was going to direct but now he isn't unfortunately - schedule is crazyby davidshore at 8:44 PMthe medical mystery idea was basically Katie and Paul - the character and the structure was mine - I can't remember what the question wasby davidshore at 8:44 PMWill Mr, Laurie be directing an episode again this season? He did fantastic last Dragonsord at 8:44 PMDavid, did you expect house to be this big?by erik at 8:43 PMDo you have any say in the type of music that gets put into the show? And what are your favourite shows?by RayRay at 8:43 PMWill Stephen Fry be guest starring this season?by farz at 8:43 PMalways watch other shows - have spent too much of my life watching too much tvby davidshore at 8:42 PMHow did you think of the idea of making house? and how did you get it going?by Ozzi at 8:42 PMunfortunately haven't been to London in years (parents moved to toronto) - two regular character names are shockingly similar to sisters of poeple I went to high school withby davidshore at 8:42 PMDavid, do you ever watch other shows?by Blitzen at 8:42 PMDo you ever come home to London often? and do you ever get inspried by people from here?by Thesis at 8:41 PMthey're all a delight and incredibly funny (I'm not an idiot)by davidshore at 8:41 PMgo to bed Chrisby davidshore at 8:41 PMwhos the best to work with of the cast.. like funnestby kaitlin at 8:40 PMwill Cameron's Huntington's treatment work or will it fail horribly one of your youngest fans Chris age 13 by christopher at 8:40 PMAny chance of Shannon returning?by Stormwhisper at 8:40 PMI only watch these things again when global tv makes meby davidshore at 8:40 PMher mom is watching her - pretty sure that was mentioned quicklyby davidshore at 8:40 PMShore do you sit back and watch the seasons when they're finished?by rjsamps at 8:39 PMyes he did audition from a bathroom - in Africa - buy the season one dvd to see (and so I'll earn 4 cents)by davidshore at 8:39 PM@davidshore Where is Rachel during all of this?by Peewee0910 at 8:39 PMI think he is still seeing the therapist (but Andre Braugher is on another show)by davidshore at 8:39 PMA movie could fit the series, the prison break did a movie (and barely anyone knows about it) after the series finished and it was actually very goodby Mutank at 8:39 PMChase handles his new single life in a fairly aggressive wayby davidshore at 8:38 PMis house still seeing his therapist?by askrtic at 8:38 PMDid Hugh Laurie really audition from a bathroom?by Ted at 8:38 PMWill there be any new developments in terms of a romantic relationship with Chase?by RayRay at 8:37 PMno plans re surgery on leg - though it is also something we discuss semi-frequentlyby davidshore at 8:37 PMDoes Hugh ever forget to limp when shooting, and then you have to go back and reshoot scenes?by Ejay at 8:37 PMa house movie maybe?..lolby ryguy at 8:37 PMPlease do not do any spin-offs!!!by Nikki at 8:37 PMno spin offs yet - we keep talking about it davidshore at 8:37 PMHouse is definitely my favourite tv show! Do you see any spin-offs?by you at 8:37 PMmade him american because wrote him before he was cast - then didn't change him because I knew he was different and didn't want people to dismiss his differences as something "foreign" (from US point of view)by davidshore at 8:36 PMplease bring back the clinic i love the scientific stretches they are awesome please make house go back ie the gum chewer and the under ager and the guy trying to cheat the sysemby eightgage at 8:36 PMnone is shot in hospitals - location for teasers and homes we break into and stuff - but hospital is all on stages at Foxby davidshore at 8:36 PMare you going to have House undergo any type of surgery to help him better cope with his leg pain? Thank you for the best show on TV!!by KJ at 8:35 PMmost difficult to write? all of them - or at least you try to care about eahc just as muchby davidshore at 8:35 PMHow much of PPTH are actually sets, and how much are actual scenes shot in hospitals?by shadowjester at 8:35 PMWhy did you decide to make House American? Must be a challenge for Hugh to keep that accent up for hours at a time... were you ever tempted to change House to British after signing Hugh?by Alexis_Rueal at 8:35 PMI always feel burnt out - and I don't write these things all by myself - I have a great team of writers - I oversee and rewriteby davidshore at 8:35 PMOut of all of the characters that you write which one is the most difficultby MJ19 at 8:34 PMWhat inspired you to write your show House?by :) at 8:34 PMI do not have a season finale written yet - we stay just ahead of production (though planned out slightly better)by davidshore at 8:34 PMMr. Shore do you ever feel burnt out or do you enjoy writing each episode? Are there moments where you just feel like moving on to something new?by Matti Cowan at 8:33 PMOn average how far ahead of time is a script written? (And thank you for the nest show in TV)by Kristin at 8:33 PMif that's really you there Mr. Shore. On Behalf of all the fans of the Show, Big thanks to you and your crew for creating an Epic show like this which will definitely stay in our heart for a long-long time even after the show Dr.Wilson at 8:33 PMthere is only one MD writer - Dr. Foster - he no longer practices (can do for mankind helping us pretend) - the other 3 doctors are consultantsby davidshore at 8:33 PMhahahahahah Cuddy leaves!by Donna at 8:33 PMMore about Cameron. She's such a sweety. Why was she dumped?by Carley at 8:33 PMI know that wasn't a question, but yes she is sexyby davidshore at 8:32 PMDavid Shore: What is the inspiration behind Dr.House's constant character fluctuations? by Nikki at 8:32 PMdo have a season finale writen?by ryguy at 8:32 PMwow... cuddy has a sexy back. (and front, for that matter).by gc at 8:32 PMAlso, Dr. Foreman's specialty is neurology, not shadowjester at 8:32 PMI've enjoyed all the stuff you've participated in and/or created. Wondered if you had any other ideas, you might be pursuing in the Jenn at 8:32 PMDo the MD writers also still work as doctors?by JohnM at 8:31 PMThat must be very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to answers our questionsby erik at 8:31 PMdo you have any kidsby joe at 8:31 PMDue to the number of questions we are having to pick through them to ask Mr. Shore. Keep sending them - we'll post as many as we possibly mflanagan at 8:31 PMforeman is a neurologist - not a neurosurgeon - I've learned just enough medicine while working on this show to... actually to do nothing other than write this showby davidshore at 8:31 PMIsn't Dr. Foreman a neurosurgeon? They're looking for one in the premier and Foreman is never Noah at 8:30 PMOMG great show u got going i have never missed an episode all i can think aboout every second of the day is what will happen next omg i love you david shore!!! i love your showby mill13 at 8:30 PMto the guy from Montreal who wants to be in the show - no problem as long as you're already famousby davidshore at 8:30 PMA lot of focus is being put upon the relationship of House and Cuddy this season, as shown by all of the promos. However, what can we expect to learn about the fate of Thirteen? Also, is her relationship with Foreman going to blossom again?by askrtic at 8:30 PMHugh has a similar sense of humor to the character (and to me - which is delightful for me)by davidshore at 8:30 PM@davidshore YES! Canadian accent joke! Also, you should have Chase or someone get into an accident and everybody should be Kaitlin at 8:30 PMHello from Montreal! I'll be turning 40 this coming November and to celebrate I would love to be a part of the show...any chance this could happen?by MJ at 8:29 PMlove you but, canadiand dont have accentsby KB at 8:29 PMwe're doing a few more clinic beats this year than last - it's something we unfortunately lost a bit once we started doing a few more personal momentsby davidshore at 8:29 PMIS HUGH's sense of humor the same in person as he portrays on the show???by rjsamps at 8:29 PMwhy does everybody on the show talk as if they have a degree in pshycologyby abarcam at 8:29 PMJust like to say that this show has been great from the start! Can't wait to see the stories unfold :) the script is evelyn at 8:29 PMgonna be another great season David,keep it up....high five from home,Canada loves ya' man. by Michael Parks at 8:29 PMsure, I'll do a canadian patient (we actually make a canadian accent joke later in the season)by davidshore at 8:28 PMDavid, I would like to chance to say thank you for creating a show that is so addictive! thank you by MJ19 at 8:28 PMSo far this is the BEST episode YET!!! Cuddy & House finallyby Tjmaday at 8:28 PMdavid will u ever film in toronto?by mizzceecee at 8:28 PMdon't think we'll be shooting in London any time soon - sorryby davidshore at 8:28 PMWILL U EVER FILM AN EPISODE WITH A CANADIAN PATIENTby ALICIA at 8:28 PMnice! by the way do yo guys still use the same cannon cameras used for the previous epidose(s)?by Luvdipinder at 8:28 PMI decided this was a different enough med show since it's really about people, not medicineby davidshore at 8:28 PMI want to see a clinic scene in every episode i love that part it is the main reason we watch itby eightgage at 8:28 PMMr. Shore, this is hands down my favorite show ever and I admire the writers. Do you intend on bringing new ones into the fold?by Kristin at 8:27 PMWill 13 come back from Italy?by Eva at 9/21/2010 12:27:51 AM8:27 PMMr.David shore I am from London Ontario and I was wdonering if you would ever film an episode here?by DrKaber at 9/21/2010 12:27:35 AM8:27 PMwe general shoot on film but have done more and more stuff digital latelyby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:27:24 AM8:27 PMDavid for many of us fans this is a long time coming Thank You. Your work is brilliant. Here's my question: Where do you see this storyline going when it comes to Cuddy and House? And do you think many will be pleased with the outcome of their storyline and their relationship however you have it unfold. Once again Thank You are Thesis at 9/21/2010 12:27:16 AM8:27 PMintimate episode because we felt we had to follow up them getting together with something that doesn't treat that as just another mmoment - more typical episodes to followby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:27:06 AM8:27 PM@davidshore y did u decide to make a medical drama when there are so many already such as general hospital, greys antatomy etc.?by matt at 9/21/2010 12:27:03 AM8:27 PMI LOVE YOU FOR YOUR SHOW! House is amazing :D! Season 7 is awesome. Do you think we will be seeing hugh laurie sign for a season 8by Dylan Tittel at 9/21/2010 12:26:36 AM8:26 PMassume you just went to commercial because I just got a ton of messages - will do my davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:26:17 AM8:26 PMHow much is House's relationship with Cuddy going to change the future of the show?by shadowjester at 9/21/2010 12:26:17 AM8:26 PMWill Wilson have a girlfriend in this season?by Robyn at 9/21/2010 12:26:11 AM8:26 PMYou can tell Global just put an ad on to talk with David Shore. Traffic has picked up :)by Chris at 9/21/2010 12:26:04 AM8:26 PMI wanna see a house episode with a stigmata in it , where its house against the devil, and or evil forces . by Andreas at 9/21/2010 12:25:02 AM8:25 PMomg it prolly is cuddy's exby vik at 9/21/2010 12:24:59 AM8:24 PMWhat did you shoot this episode one? are you guys back to film or are you still shooting on the D7 ?by Sub10456 at 9/21/2010 12:24:57 AM8:24 PMhey do you read screenplaysby asad c at 9/21/2010 12:24:56 AM8:24 PMWhy is this such a intimate episode?by Luvdipinder at 9/21/2010 12:24:48 AM8:24 PMy did u decide to make a medical drama when there are so many already such as general hospital, greys antatomy etc.?by matt at 9/21/2010 12:24:46 AM8:24 PMobvi, 13 is back.. she is IN the season Alexicon at 9/21/2010 12:24:46 AM8:24 PMhahaa hes so hottby at 9/21/2010 12:24:44 AM8:24 PMDavid Shore, you totally rock and give all Canadian writers hope of doing great work! This has been my favourite show since the first episode. Congratulations on all your creativecommunications at 9/21/2010 12:24:41 AM8:24 PMit could be Cuddys ex at the doorby Izzie at 9/21/2010 12:24:41 AM8:24 PM@Jay two people have already twoseat at 9/21/2010 12:24:40 AM8:24 PManyone else wanna marry him?by at 9/21/2010 12:24:40 AM8:24 cuddy going to dump him at the end of this episode for not telling him about rj at 9/21/2010 12:24:40 AM8:24 PMWhen will Stephen Fry be on the show???by K5Stew at 9/21/2010 12:24:38 AM8:24 PMim high and now i think cuddy is super sexyby Im so high and now i think... at 9/21/2010 12:24:37 AM8:24 PMWill Cameron be back?by ChampPilot at 9/21/2010 12:24:36 AM8:24 PMFrye would be great - have to find the right roleby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:24:35 AM8:24 PMWilson Is at the door duhby HOUSE at 9/21/2010 12:24:35


AM8:24 PMLOL... "its burning my anus"by vik at 9/21/2010 12:24:34 AM8:24 PMOMGGG ITS WILSONby vik at 9/21/2010 12:24:26 AM8:24 PMlike he would tell uby lpnikolai at 9/21/2010 12:24:24 AM8:24 PMshe'll be back - but not for a whileby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:24:24 AM8:24 PMDavid Shore - that you for this show...fellow London Ontario personby N8R at 9/21/2010 12:24:23 AM8:24 PMWouldn't it have made more sense to make the season premiere extremely interesting instead of political and emotional?by twoseat at 9/21/2010 12:24:20 AM8:24 PMI know I, for one, am happy to see such growth from House... yes, the snark is fun, but I have loved to see how he has changed and that he can be happy. Thank you all for giving that to Alexis_Rueal at 9/21/2010 12:24:18 AM8:24 PMWill they find a neurosurgeon?by KailaNewberry at 9/21/2010 12:24:16 AM8:24 PMMr Shore, is there any chance of anyone dieing on the show ?by Jay at 9/21/2010 12:24:15 AM8:24 PM@Glebite - Having Fry on the show would be HILARIOUS!by Ejay at 9/21/2010 12:24:13 AM8:24 PMthats foreman at the doorby Shanay at 9/21/2010 12:24:13 AM8:24 PMwe want him to be happy - in theoryby davidshore at 9/21/2010 12:24:06 AM8:24 PMHoping to see a Huddy baby <3by Izzie at 9/21/2010 12:24:03 AM8:24 PMHow erotic are we going to get this year?by Gabe at 9/21/2010 12:24:03 AM8:24 PMwhere is House's apartment?by Shikhar at 9/21/2010 12:24:02 AM8:24 PMwhy is this episode so painfully slow?by fatmanFUBAR at 9/21/2010 12:24:00 AM8:24 PM< Newest123Oldest >Powered by ScribbleLiveAdvertisementAdvertisement NCIS: LASeason PremiereTuesday at 9.00 et/pt BonesSeason PremiereThursday at 8.00 et/pt The OfficeSeaso PremiereThursday at 9.00 et/pt OutsourcedSeries PremiereThursday at 9.30 et/ptHouseSeason PremiereMonday at 8.00 et/ptLone StarSeries PremiereMonday at 9.00 et/ptHawaii Five-0Series PremiereMonday at 10.00 et/ptGleeSeason PremiereTuesday at 8.00 et/ptNCIS: LASeason PremiereTuesday at 9.00 et/ptBonesSeason PremiereThursday at 8.00 et/ptThe OfficeSeaso PremiereThursday at 9.00 et/ptOutsourcedSeries PremiereThursday at 9.30 et/pt HouseSeason PremiereMonday at 8.00 et/pt Lone StarSeries PremiereMonday at 9.00 et/pt Hawaii Five-0Series PremiereMonday at 10.00 et/pt GleeSeason PremiereTuesday at 8.00 et/ptAbout Us |Privacy Policy |Terms & Conditions |Copyright |Media |Advertise |Contact Us |Site Map Global TV |HGTV |Showcase |Slice |Food Network |History © 2010, CW Media Inc., All Rights Reserved. Part of the network.


