Happy Father's Day All Dads! The world is so much richer in spiritual blessings because of your
very existence and your very positive mindset because YOU make the world ROCK~ YOU make the
world what it is today; A place to give LOVE, a place to be LOVE, a place to grow LOVE!
This is an excellent way of being. A positive attitude makes a positive world of love. Love can
only know how to make more love, more loving abundance. Love flows from the centre of it all,
and grows and gives, shares, explores, helps, lifts up. We all receive these wonderful benefits
of sharing love and receiving love. As this loving positiveness of souls interfaces interacts,
enables, interconnects, our world now makes sense. Love is the reason why we are here. There is
no other reason. Our world becomes our own when we know how to love and receive love; without
love and the feeling and being of love we are empty souls hoping to know love. Love is our only
salvation; our only hope. Yes, our world is made a better place with each positive thought,
feeling, or energy which is love. Love is all the positive in our world; all the goodness
helping us to carry on through those times when we cannot find the love we need. The sustaining
love is there; for others to share and for us to find. We need love because we are love. Those
who are love-starved as we all are starved for more love; we must always know this; positive
thoughts will attract more love. Love exists there where the focus is love; it is a loving self
-fufilling prophesy. Love makes the world a far better place, and continues to expand, you will
never know the depths of love because it is as large as the universe. We only feel what we can
handle at this time. There is more out there; a gold-mine of love. Time to think positive and
set the seed for the love which wants to flow to you I get this!. Fathers Day Jun 20 2010
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