There Is Another Sky by Emily Dickinson
The cows are going to pasture and little boys with their hands in their pockets are whistling to keep them warm. Dont think that the sky will frown so the day when you come home! She will smile and look happy, and be full of sunshine then - and even should she frown opon her child returning,
there is another sky
ever serene and fair,
and there is another sunshine,
tho' it be darkness there -
never mind faded forets, Austin,
never mind silent fields -
here is a little forest
whose leaf is ever green -
here is a brighter garden -
where not a frost has been,
in its unfading flowers
I hear the bright bee hum,
prithee, my Brother,
into my garden come!
Wait a minute! I made a Critique-Analysis of the above poem by Emily Dickinson,(found below) but I thought maybe I should do something a little more creative than just blabbing about what maybe, or I thought that might be, I think might have been or is or is not, but probably has nothing what so ever to do with the personage of Miss Emily Dickinson and her life and times. The beauty about is that Poetry can be a studied event and/or Poetry can be an instanteous event. Poetry or "poïesis" in Greek means "to do".* So lets "to do" Poetry! NoW! Good idea. ( I got this idea from Poet's House in particular Poet Jan Bervin who's Visual Poetry is taught in a course at the Poet's House in NY NY. A Place for Poets!!! What do you know! GReat! http://poetshouse.org/progwkshp.htm Also you have GOT to see this Youtube video of Bill Murray reading Emily Dickinson's poem; at the newly constructed Poet's House in New York! Funny!!!I dwell in Possibility - Also, from the Poem a Day at the Emily Dickinson website which is MOST excellent!http://www.emilydickinsonmuseum.org/
A fairer House than Prose -
More numerous of Windows -
Superior for Doors -
Of Chambers as the Cedars -
Impregnable of Eye -
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky -
Of Visitors - the fairest -
For Occupation - This -
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –
Fr466 Reprinted by permission.
Watch YouTube video of actor Bill Murray reading this poem (at 2:40) to construction workers! http://www.emilydickinsonmuseum.org/node/265
Here is my "To Do" about "There Is Another Sky" by Emily Dickenson as intrepreted by Jane Jones Jun 29 2010.
Where is this Other Sky?
Where would I find her?
She is ephemeral
Does she know TM
There are so many questions
I am anxious to ask
As I study this marvel
of words fine smithery
Emily Dickinson
Your words like water
take to the sky
and stay there
looking down upon
your poetry fans.
jj 29 6 2010.
So maybe...what I'd do instead, is write an inspired poem (and a critique) after I read the poem of the day..I may do more than one poem a day because I have to catch up the 1775 poems I must record each day! It is going to be a fun venture! If you feel inspired to write your own poem or offer anything, advice, suggestions, etc. Please...feel free! Thanks!
Critique and Analysis on "There Is Another Sky" by Emily Dickinson
This poem is a happy pastoral-themed poem. Athough it does deal with Austin as a young boy, a child of the character discussing the life of the once alive young lad named Austin. Austin wasaso not only the name of Emily's brother but the husband of her closest friend Sue Gilbert.
However their friendship was troubled. Why I am trying to discover presently. Why Emily would discuss Austin is questionable. Was this another way that Emily had to somehow create a safe way of expressing her angst over Austin, or was she simply using the name Austin, as it could be anyone's name? Or did Austin in fact perish during Emily's time, one of many who died too early on Emily? Let's analyze this work;
You see a pastoral scene of young boys whistling to keep their hands warm, their hands in their overalls. The little boys have a chore to do, putting the cows out to pasture in the early morning, it may be fall still, just getting nippy in the morning.
That the sky would frown is in away referring to grief and clouds frowning. This image is foreboding.Wonders if Emily knew the saying "til the cows come home"; probably as this would ad a humorous twist to the poem; Emily loved to do this.
Is "she" in the first stanza referring to the boy Austin's mother or the sky, or Sue Gilbert?
Each would or could be considered separately.
She would be happy on the outside "sunny" but frowning on the inside. Maybe something Sue Gilbert would do; not being totally honest with her emotions. Maybe Sue Gilbert treated her husband like a child, maybe Emily noticed this.
The 2nd stanza discusses the other world. Of paradise or heaven? NOtice "Evergreen"? The same house name built for Austin and Sue Gilbert by Emily's father. No coincidence I dont think so!
Did Emily have a relationship with Austin? She switches from being "motherly" in the first stanza to having the dead Austin being her "brother". But there is some suggestion of a relationship of whatever kind (you be the judge) in the last line;
"I hear the bright bee hum,
prithee, my Brother,
into my garden come!"
Emily is coaxing Austin back to her garden of earthly delights as she feels she has died and crossed over. It is an amazing transcendental quality here and living in another world, beyond this.
here is a brighter garden -
where not a frost has been,
in its unfading flowers
More poems to follow. This is #2 of #1775.
Well just wow, love the sound of this project and really enjoyed the post. I so love Dickinson because you feel it, feel you know it, but can't put your finger on it. So the very best of luck!
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