Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dreams of Scooter City: A Short Story

"Oh this is the best, Mom!" the five year old scooter kid blasted out loud as he went speeding around the maze of paths in the verdant gardened scooter city haven. "Don, I have never seen him look so happy" the beaming mom spoke with uttermost sincerity to her husband. "Yes, dear, I'm so happy we have found this wonderful place for Eddy. It is more than my dreams could have ever imagined" Don relieved by the beaming joy from the face of his son. "I know this is right for him, Cathy, I am certain of this!"

Scooter City had just opened to the public. This Saturday was the official opening of the gated community for physically challenged individuals and their families made huge headlines arounnd the world. The concept of Scooter City was a brand new idea started by a couple who had dreamed that their lives would be less complicated in a place where they could be with others suffering the same problems as well as a place where they could live in peace and comfort. That was the simple idea; how much this simple idea had blossomed into a dream-come-true for the many families that would inhabit this wonderful world. A world that would push the many boundaries many physically/mentally challenged day by day had to face. A place where ease of travel, where building and spaced ergonomically fit the world of being physically challenged. A place where people truly cared about those who had for suffered for years being delegated to the backroom of life because no one had designed or planned for the unique needs of these special families.

The challenge would be for all communities worldwide to get onboard the ground floor and enjoy the many accomplishments and successes of the scooter community. The enlightened city planners conceived of the ideal, now it was made reality in Scooter City. This new place incorporated all the best of human idealisms and the belief that "what you can dream you can be" Walt Disney's motto redefined and refined for the imagineers of Scooter City. A meticulously planned community were the focus would be on the specific needs of those challenged. The new buzz word of the day "overcomers". Overcomers would soon come in droves to Scooter City; "the dream is alive here" the motto thought up by the many members of Breaking Barriers to create this world and make it real for all those thus challenged in any way. All doors would forever be open, and all doors were open to all persons of all persuasions.

Inclusivity was another buzz word; Scooter City worked and networked with millions of scoots worldwide to create the best of all possible worlds for scoots. Many blogs and websites were designed to attract all those interested in the creation of this dream and idealized world for the Challenger Scoots, or CJ's for Challenger Joe's Scoots a name and a new restaurant at Scooter City. The new handle chosen by vote by all those in attendance and by online voting at the Challenger Network. Scoots had the right stuff in the Scooter City, and because the Board of Directors were all scoots, it would stay that way. A wonderful day for all scoots! Ultimately, Scooter City would change the way the world would view the physically challenged, those with various physical and mental needs making it much more user-friendly for the CJ's.

The needs had been great for the physically and mentally challenged in the past, and now Scooter City had provided the seed to help the many challenged. The seed for the need was planted and growing fabulously well. Due to many wonderful and insightful people, the many mentors worldwide who had used Scooter City as a flagship and universal design, the proto type city was realized and now revealed to the public at large.

The template for future expansion and refined deign and other improvements would prove to be a unique challenge on its own, and entire companies were set up for this purpose. Scooter City had been incorporated into a worldwide consortium; an international corporation with only the best corporate individuals hired for the positions. The unique concepts and idealisms of this new design project would entrench the rights the grass roots movements. The Mission Statement of Scooter City always kept the bottom line grass roots people at the top of the hierarchial pyramid; the democratic ideals being met in the many procedural codes with "the people" always in mind, always getting first billing and rights.

The "children of a new day", "CJ's" and Scoots would be lavished upon, a entirely new concept for most CJ's. The rich overflow of the best life has to offer within the reach for all CJ's because the world was trying to do one better. Each country competing with the other to see how much better "served" the scoots would be in the new glistening city of ideal meeting the real. This concept was encouraged by the designers of the City soon all country vying for the attention by seeking to entice CJ's to their country's Scooter City, SC for short.

Although not experimental, Scooter City had been been pursued by the many hardiest of designers for nearly an half-century. The many hard-earned efforts by the many visionaries made Scooter City realized much quicker than by standard business methods. Similar to the 60's Space Race, the world was competing to complete the first Scooter City prototype. This new business concept attracted thousands to the city on this wonderful June 3rd 2009. The TSC Exchange stock SC was going through the roof!

All the best would be given to CJ's at SC, life would be thoroughly enjoyed to the fullest potential. Scooter City answered the prayers of the many church and social groups that had tried for years to make this continuing dream happen. For all persons who required these unique and special needs of the village love made, now and for all time, Scooter City would soon be a corner stone of the community at large.

Today was a new beginning for the first fifty-eight families who would enjoy the many benefits of Scooter City. The architects, designers, engineers, and all trades people were so very proud of their accomplishments when they looked upon the childrens' smiling faces. The long term plan was nothing but expansion for this wonderful place made for, with, and by persons who just happened to be people, who, through no fault of their own, have life threatening and physical and/or mental challenges.

Scooter City, placed on the outskirts of a medium sized town in an Ontario resort town. Surrounded by beautifully forested and vacant crown lands; abundant with unobstructed nature and fresh air. The designers worked with the natural aspects of the land to create their masterpiece; Scooter City. The wonderfully landscaped designed conceived of a place like no other. Similar to The Secret Garden or the Garden of Eden, if anyone could imagine the beauty of this incredible place. All around these richly forested lands. There were many outdoor paths, perfectly adapted to scooters, wide enough for two abreat so that scootered friends could scoot beside one another and have those important conversations on the way to the fishing pond or the theatre, a short scoot away from the main buildings.

The buildings were Craftsman style, designed in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright, and others always with original concepts and totally in keeping with the green needs of the new environmental codes. The beauty of Scooter City was evident everywhere in the 360 degree panorama and the CAD drawings of the architects, artists and others who so richly adorned the is jewel of a place.

Millions of downloads to the website evoked "ohs and awes", and many families were on a waiting list for the next phase of the village development. Years had gone into making this villaged city spectacular yet authentically wonderful. Without a s over-commercialization or phoney feel to the place, Scooter City drew the crowds command much media attention. It was truly the most beautiful place Eddy had ever seen, and his parents felt exactly the same way. After getting design help from tv shows like Extreme House Makeover, and by a caring and giving community, Scooter City was begun, the first shovel creating the first of many Scooter Cities throughout the world.

It would be difficult to imagine the awe inspiring feeling upon the approach to the village. A long tree-lined roadway, meticulously gardened, with rare flowers, fountains, sculptures, play areas, cozy cafes and shoppes to interest. The waterfall was maginicient, modelled after Hawaii's unique natural beauty. After a half-hour through the winding forest, the environmental and accessible bus from town takes the passengers to the glistening City. All roads leading to the splendour in the forest; a place as wonderful as the marbled Taj Mahal or the Partheneon but mainly modelled from the magic of Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz's Emerald City. No expense was spared in the planning and implementation of this wonderful place called Scooter City.

Meticulously thought out inch by inch, the ultimate in efficiency and function. Scooter City was enourmous, intimately beautiful, refined and yet familiar. Old fashioned and friendly, the village was similar to a town in pioneer days only upgraded a few notches. The romantic, nostalgic feel was predominant, and everywhere one could smell the wonderful oatmeal, or chocolate chip cookies baking or the peppermint candies being made or the chocolate fudge wafting into the air, catching a light breeze from the many nostalgic shops on the main street of Scooter City. There was a newnes to just being in the town which made for an exciting enlivening of the senses and made glorious with captivating fragrant scents.

The General Store, the Community Church as well as other quaint shops and buildings were marvelous in design and created a homey and old-fashioned feeling. The backtrails had horse-drawn carriages which would take you to various areas. There were red barns here and there, and one could imagine being in Lancaster County Pennsylvania or near Listowel, Ontario. Like the Dutch Amish or old German Mennonites, there was no need for gas powered automobiles in Scooter City. Scooter City was totally self-sufficient and a model for other towns and cities to emulate. The many buildings, such as the library and post office had beautiful antique stained glass windows in abundance. Many rich woods made up the exterior and interior with use of local materials keeping the "made local" ideals of the new economy.

The craftsmanship that went into Scooter City was astonishing, like the craftsmanship of one hundred years ago, many woodwork pieces were donated by skilled carpenters, made hand-hewn by Mennonites and Amish from St. Jacobs, Ontario. It seemed that Scooter City brought out the best in people. People willing to donate their hard earned money and time to the cause of making life easier for those most in need. It was truly a wonder to see all this coming together, to see huge amounts of donated time and money for the cause. People were networking with others and their was this amazing spirit of cooperation like had not been seen for years.

Scooter City was a year round playground, and accessible winter and summer by greenhouse glass enclosures which enclosed the entire space. The city grew their own vegetables, had their own farms and livestock, all made possible through an intensive voluteer network. The wonderful olympic pools, glistened turquoise blue in the sunshine. There was everything fit for a king, or queen, prince and princess with many items specifically designed for the various individuals who would be using the services of the city. There were bosun seats all heavy duty lifts for scoots, always were variant in size and weight. There were fantastic cranes all automated, computer programmed for lifting paralyzed persons into and out of the pool area and comfortably back into their scooters or power chairs, etc. The pool enclosure was a saltwater pool and was designed for the various needs for physiotherapy and swimming enjoyment.

An endless pool which is a reflective pool design very beautiful aesthetically as well as highly functionable for those with various physical needs. There were various saunas of various kinds, both dry and wet, infra red and the old fashioned stone and steam kind of cedar lined therapy rooms with eucalyptus rooms, everything that would make life worth living. Each room in the building called the Great Room looked exquisite with many enjoyable spaces, nooks and cranies, bay windows, spaces all easily accessible by scooter. Fun and imaginative rooms with refined taste and comportment, lovely plants and flowers, natural stone and wood, safe floors, communication areas, service bay for repair and maintainance of scooters, power lifts, etc.

With all the greenery and calming feel it was difficult to tell that there were clinical areas here. The overall feel to the place being warm, friendly and inviting. Always there were the many helpful attendants. Attendants were always available to help out, a phone call away, within five minutes at any given time.

Totally idealized world, yet made real like the artistic landscapes of Thomas Kincaide. This artist comes to mind when thinking about the feel of Scooter City. Soon a new name would be found by the residents of the city, a contest was underway as there was always interesting things to do at SC. There were movie theatres, restaurants, auditoriums, museums, guest speakers, various health modalities, and spiritual retreats for the families.

Never a dull moment at Scooter City, scoots could decide for themselves what exactly they would like to do that particular day. More often than not they would decide to curl up by the fireplace with cocoa and tell stories or watch movies on the plasma tv with new friends. Or in the summer hang out in the verandah or the screened in porch taking in the wonderful sagey scents of the woods across the street. School was so enjoyable and the teachers very understanding of the various needs of the individual scoots. The programs were advanced and gave the scoots an edge on the academic requirements of children many grades their senior. The teachers had special skills at advancing the requirements, and the pupils, living in an ideal environment were ready, willing and more than able students. Many became teachers themselves, and many became computer and business and social leaders.

Scoots spirits lifted as this place was made for them, by them and only them. This was their world, they owned it. No one felt the unnecessary fear they felt living in their old communities. The difference being the way they scoots were treated, with one hundred and one percent attention and the attention to promoting the individual. The attitude really made the difference in the proven success levels of the scoots. In the past the scoots often felt they were not allowed to function or be a complete person because they did not have the means to perform at maximum capacity. Now scoots would be given the ability to realize and become self-actualized. Scoots now really started to enjoy life. Life's many goodies that they so deserve were beginning to become theirs in abundance, and rightfully so, the scoots always deserved the very best life has to offer. And this the scoots did, they began to enjoy life fully and completely.

The ease of movement was measured precisely at the city with gathering rooms large enough to contain many scooters. Washrooms were easily accessible, everything being geared towards the needs of the scoots. The unique needs of the citizens of Scooter City were always a paramount concern of the community, as function was pivotal in the scoots success. The citizenry of the city was governed by the voting system and the leaders were cj's themselves, making many laws guaranteed to further protect the citizens of the city. No one could imagine going back to live in a community without these actualized ideals. Scoots were the best promoters of the city and word was on the street; let's make all towns Scooter City-friendly!

The gated community was very protected and the citizens had access to the nearby town if they so choose to go into town. Many had no need to go into as all their need were met at Scooter City. There were doctors, nurses, physiotherapist, social workers, occupational therapists all living within five to ten minutes of SC. The doctor offices were at the city as well, and there was really no need for going into town for groceries or other shopping, only if the person wanted a change of scenery, Scooter City provide every known provenor of goods that scoots required, and socially Scooter City was not isolated as there were shops and services only found at Scooter City. There was a cottage industry created because of the many visitors wanting unique souveigners of the Scooter City. There were wonderful weaved items, clay, woodworking shops, all items clearly high quality and unique artistry.
Collectors flocked to the City for the collectible items and mny products made by the scoots.

"Oh Mommy, I love my room!" Eddy excitedly told him mom when he found his breath in the moment. For Eddy it was like having ten Christmas' at once, with every possible wished and want present under the tree. The town glistened like new fallen snow, sparkly and brand new, a crysatline dream made real. "Eddy, just let me know where you are going, if you go out" Louise stated calmly as she sat back in a luxuriously overstuffed Queen Anne chair by the limestone fireplace. "Oh Donny, this is so wonderful, pinch me please! I think this is all a dream." Don was busy still looking around their new home, opening cupboard doors, smelling the sweet smell of cedar which had emaniated from the cedar beams of their 20 foot ceiling. "Look at that view of the lake, Cathy! Isn't it spectacular. I'll be able to watch the skiiers coming down the hill I feel that close to the mountain." Don was almost as excited as his son, Eddy. Don and Louise hug each other tight as they looked outside the huge windows of their new home at the incredible scenery outside. "Yes, this is like a dream, Cathy". Don had a joyful tear streaming down his face as he proudly smiled while looking up at his happy family. jajo

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